Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Predator or Prey chapter 2; Have we Met?

• Predator or Prey Chapter 2’ have we Met? With all four men now inside Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Did you say a woman named Margret? Wendy Bates: Yes sir! She showed up sometime last night. and no sooner did she show up that’s when we lost all communication. Captain Stevenson: Peters see what you can do to speed up fixing Comms! Levi Peters: Yes sir! Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Alright Bates! Take me to see this woman! Wendy Bates: Follow me! Wendy steps in front of the men who are now a trio’ and they head to the right as Levi peters heads toward the left. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Alright Clemons! Do you know this woman were’ about to see? Gerard Clemons: I don’t believe I have! Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Bates did this woman say anything? Wendy Bates: She said she was waiting for a Gerard Clemons! Do suppose you know who that is? Captain Stevenson looks at Gerard. Gerard Clemons: She asked for me by name? she couldn’t have! Just then Wendy stops. Wendy Bates: So’ your Gerard Clemons? Gerard Clemons: Yes! But I swear to you I don’t know anyone with the name Margret! Wendy Clemons: Its just nice to finally put a face to the name. They continue walking down the hallway until they finally come to a room with a long table as the men enter the room they see the woman with dark raven like hair and black eyes sitting at the table. Margret: Its finally good of you to show Gerard. Gerard stands there staring at this woman. Gerard then approaches the table. Gerard Clemons: Excuse me! But have we meet? Margret: Very briefly but I never forget a face or a name! Margret Reeves: My names Margret Reeves! We must two years ago at a convention in Los Angeles. Gerard Clemons: I recall the convention its the one Olivia was Hosting! Revealing that new Fossil! she found! Margret Reeves: That be the one. Gerard Looks at the woman who is dresses in a Black dress. Gerard Clemons: I sti;; don't remember you. Margret Reeves: Well! I remember you' I guess atleast one of us remembered. Just then Captain Hatcher Stevenson speaks. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Excuse a moment. Captain Stevenson Grabs Gerard by his left arm and pulls him out of the confrence room. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Have you met this woman? Gerard Clemons: I'm not excatly sure; i could've. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Come on! Gerard take a look at her' this woman is wearing a silk black dress no winter clothes in the Alasken mountain she shouldn't be stiing there she should be dead' so do you know her or not? Gerard Clemons: May i speak to her alone please? Captain Stevenson looks at Gerard and then at the woman who is sitting at the table' the woman waves at them. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Alright Gerard I'm trusting you on this' not her you! Gerard Clemons: I understand that. Captain Stevenson and Gerard Clemons walk back into the room. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Gardner lets leave these two along to talk! Alex Gardner: Yes sir! Alex and Hatcher walk out of the room Hatcher closes the door behind them. Gerard sits down across from the woman who refers to herself as Margret. Gerard Clemons: Marget' Margret Reeves the name still doesn't mean anything to me. Margret Reeves: In all honesty it shouldn't. Gerard Clemons: So' we haven't met before? Margret Reeves: Oh' no' we have met but i tend to go unnotice compared to someone like my brother. Gerard Clemons: YOur brother? Margret Reeves: Yeah! My Brother Perry! Gerard Begins to think Back too two years ago to the night have Dr. Bledsoe's big reveal Gerard went to hand Olivia a Glass of wine and Perry took the wine and drank it' a woman with Dark Hair and a black dress standing next to another man' just then we see Gerard Looking at the woman across from him. Gerard Clemons: Now! I remember you' you were with this man and you left right after Perry took the drink from me. Margret Reeves: That's me! Gerard Clemons: Your! Perry's sister! Margret Reeves: That's right! Gerard Clemons: Perry is the same man who setup Olivia for Murder' why should i trust you? Margret Reeves: Because I'm pretty! Gerard Clemons: come on! you expect me to walk out of here with you? I mean i know we've met but we barely know each other. Margret Reeves: Ok!I didn't want to say this next part but i guess i have to' How badly do you want to see Olivia again? Gerard leans back in his chair. Gerard Clemons: You Have Olivia! Margret Reeves: Yes! Gerard Clemons: You still expect me to walk out of here with? Margret Reeves: Look! I know me being Perry's sidter doesn't bold well or make you trust me but I'm your best chance at getting Too Olivia. Gerard Clemons: And what if i say no. Margret Reeves: Then you say no' i cant make you walk outof here with me' so i would have to leave without you of course' but if i do that let me ask yuo this' what's your next move? you haven't a clues as to where she is. Gerard Clemons: That's where your wrong i do know where she is she's here somewhere in these mountains. Margret Reeves: She was in these Mountains and now she's not. Gerard Clemons: How do you know that? Margret Reeves: Come with me and I'll tell you everything you need to know. Gerad Clemons: You don't makes things easy do you? Margret Reeves: No! I don't i guess that's som,ething me and my brother have always had in common. Gerard Clemons: Besides even if i agreed to walk out of here with you' I don't think Captain Stevenson would allow that Happen. Margret smiles. Gerard Clemons: Why are you smiling? did i miss something? Margret Reeves: Oh' I'm just remembering the last time i killed someone. Gerard Clemons: And when was that? Margret Reeves: It was in 1968. we see Margret flashing back to 1968 she is dressed in brown Pants and a brown button up t- shirt she is holding a Hoe and digging up dirt with it. Beside her are two Vietnamese children doing the exact samething she is' Both children are boys' these boys are helping Margret dig out the rock that are in the ground All some of those villagers wanted was a chance to live their lives' to grow their crops but a war was going on' and in war things tend to get ugly' the Viet Cong had been making bomb and stapping them to kids bombing U.S Bases and place U.S Solider's would Go to Drink and have their Food' The United State respnse to this was to invade local Villages and kill the children before they could be used by the Viet Cong. I Could smell their scent and hear them a grapped both boys and we hit the ground And that's when the sound of M16's started to unleash' Bulliets were raining over our head' as i laid there with those boys i could see the fear aain their eyes' I knew then i could not let these troops slaughter the entire Village so' I changes my hands became paws my finger nails became claws my skin was replaced by fur my teeth replaced by sharp animal like teeth i turned into the wolf' the wolf i was born as the animla these soldier's had come in as Predator's but they were unaware that they were about to become the Prey. Gerard Clemons: What a second! Are you telling me your a werewolf? Margret Reeves: Yes! Yes! I am! I ended killing those Soldiers and any other Unit they sent' but i realized they would never stop so put the two children on a train bound for France and then i waited and waited and then i heard them coming' not Helicopter's but jets they droped Napalm' all around me the fire was burning and though my body was engulfed in flames covered in fire and i could'nt fill a fucking thing' so Mr. Clemons i wasn't worried then and I'm not worried now! Gerard Clemons: My god! that explans it' why your brother was able to frame Olivia so well he could hear everyone when they spoke or smell them. Margret Reeves: So' now that you have all this information' now do you trust me? Gerard Clemons: I' I don't know. Margret smiles. Margret Reeves: You know I've been around wolves and Humas a long time and from where i sit were both just a couple of Strange Animals. Gerard Clemons: Perhaps your right! There's you who wants me to trust you and then there's me whose not sure weather to trust you or not' I suppose it's no diffrent then how Captain Stevenson must feel right about now. Margret Reeves: I assure you i have no intension of Killing you. Gerard Clemons: What about Captian Stevenson and his crew? Margret Reeves: Well! I am Hungrey! Gerard Clemons: Then my answer is Yes. Just Margret's Hand begin to spawn fur and claws her skinny arms buldge and turn to fur and mucle Her face begins to tear as if she were wearing a mask the entire time' The Human teeth replaced by razor sharp fangs. Meanwhile in the communation room we see the lights go out and the alrm begin to sound. Captain Hatcher Stven: Alright! THis is a red alert we have an intruder. Just then we see Margret who is completly transformed into a wolf going donw the she comes upon two men and kills them tearing their heads from their bodies she continues down the Hall to see three more men this time with their Guns out the three man aim at her and fire the bulliets' the Bulliets connect passing right through her body she takes her right Paw and extends her claws she slashes them across the throat causing them to bleed out after that Margret continues down the long hallway Just then Wendy Bates comes out with her M16. Wndy Bates: Hey bitch! eat this! Wendy opens fire aiming the gun at Margret's face but the the Bulliets pass right through Margret having no effect' Just then the gun clicks, Wendy Bates: Empty! Wendy drops her M16 and reaches for her side arm as she gets it out a paw grabs her hand her bones begin to break Margret opens her mouth and bites Wendy on the face swith one chomp Wendy's face is completly torn off! Wendy's body flops to the floor Alex Gardner can't believe what he Just saw he closes the door to the comms room. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Gardner! why did you shut that door! Alex Gardner: Sur there's a fucking werewolf out there sir! Captain Stevenson aims his grenade Launcher at the door. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: You open that door son! I got something for that bitch right here! As Gardner reaches foir the button the door is knocked down by Margret her Paws stand on the solid steal door. Margret takes her rzor sharp claws and cuts Alex Gardner in half Captain Stevenson fires at the cealing causing it part of it to coolapse ontop of the beast. He then turns his grenade Launcher toward a wall and fires The impact of the blast causes a hole in the wall. Captain Hatcer Stevenson: Alright Peters get the hell out of here! Levi Peters: Sir! No sir! Captain Stevenson repeats himself' but Levi Peters will not run nor retreat Just then Margret still in werewolf form comes bursting through the concret and leaps at Captain Stevenson Levi pulls out his army knife and sticks it in the beast chest as it comes within inches of Captain Stevenson Margret's sharp claws go right through Levi's stomach' Captain Stevenson grabs the handle of the knfe and pulls it out of the werewolf's chest he goes to stab the werewolf again But before he can Margret slashes his stomach causing Captain Stevenson to fall out of the hole he made and off the mountain top. Margret then Turns back Human she stands there as naked as the day she was born with a grin on her face. Margret Reeves: Well! Not bad if i do say so myself. She sees a cameo jacket on the back of a chari and pick it up and puts it on she zippers it up. Margret then sees Gerard Clemons standing on the steal door. Gerard Clemons: My God! Margret Reeves: And to think we haven't even had sex yet! Gerard shakes his head as the two begin to walk back toward the Helicopter. Gerard Clemons: what about the two Helicopter pilot's? The door opens and laying on the ground is the Helicopter pilot and co-pilot both are dead their heads are missing sitting in the Helicopter is an African american man. Gerard Clemons: I take it he's with you. Margret Reeves: Thats Chauncy he's my Partner in bed and in Life! Margret and Gerard board the Helicopter as the engine start' soon the Helicopter lifts off and after awhile is far away from the Mayhem caused by Margret. Meanwhile laying at the bottom of the mountain is the lifeless body of Captain Hatcher Stevenson hey lays there with the knife that he pulled from the werewolf's chest the bllod on the blade begins to drip into Captain Hatcher's open wound one two little drops and Hatcher's eyes go from shut to wide open' what has Margret done? come back next week to find out. writing by Jule Saynes

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Predator or Prey; In Search Of.

Predator or Prey; Chapter 1 In Search Of. We see a Man with Dark Tan skin his hair Black' we then see his Hazel brown eyes as the man sits back. His Back touches the Back off the chair he is sitting in a bright blue chair. The man is wearing Grey sweat’ Pants’ A white Long Sleeve t-shirt and a grey winter coat. The man appears to be in some sort of office for in front of this man is a desk made of Solid Oak On the walls is pictures of Mountain tops from all over the world in each of the Pictures there is a man with Pink Sunglasses. On the Deck there is a Plaque the man in the Blue chair picks up the Plaque and reads it. Man in Blue Chair: Captain Hatcher Stevenson. Just then the door knob turn and the door comes open We we see a Pair of Black Boots with Black laces touch the solid white floor we go up this person's legs to see they are wearing Cameo Sweat Pants and then we see their torso and chest this person is wearing a Long sleeve Black t-shirt we see the mans faceit is chisseled his Blue eyes covered by the Dark Pink sunglasses he wears. we then see his bleached blonde hair. The man with the Pink sunglasses exents his right Hand and then speaks. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: : Hi! I'm Catpain Hatcher Stevenson you must be the man i spoke to Yesturday Gerard Wasn't it? Gerard Clemons stands up and extends his right hand. Gerad Clemons: Yes! I'm the man you spoke with I'm Gerard Clemons.The Two men shake hands and then stop. Captain Hacter Steven walks behind his desk and pulls out his wooden chair and then sits down. Captain Hatcer Stevenson: So' How can the Alasken Rescue service assist you? Gerard Clemons: I need you to help me find my friend her name is Dr. Oliva Bledsoe. Captain Hatcer Stevenson: Did you file a missing Person's report? Gerard Clemons: Well! No! Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Why the hell not? Gerard Clemons: But Gerard doesn't answer right away. Captain Hatcher Steven: I'm not Stpied you know! Gerard looks at Captain Stevenson. Gerard Clemons: You've looked into me and my client i see. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Yes' Yes I did! I know about her house arrest agreement she made with the state of California! and i know its not up for another two years! But i am curious why she broke her agrrement that you got her! Gerard Clemons: Ireally don't know why she broke her agreement; that's something i wanted ask her ever since i came home and found her gone! Captain Hatcher Stevenson: She was living with you then? Gereard Clemons: Yes! That's how i got the state to agree really that she would be living with me; you see Oliva wasn't my only client so i could go to work and she could serve her sentance. Captain Hatcher: And one day she was just gone? Gerard Clemons: Yes! you see it was just two weeks ago i came home from work one Firday evening and i checked inside and outside of my house but there was no Oliva to be found. Captain Hatcher Stevnson: What makes you think she came here? Gerard Clemons: on her computer was a Picture of the Alasken mountains i just figured she came here. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Mr. Clemons while i was looking into your name i looked into Dr. bledsoe there's no one by that name ehop registered at the Hotels in this town and there's only two hotels I'm still having my second in command check for Allieses. Gerard Clemons: Captatain Stevenson i want you too know Oliva is no Murderer! Captain Hatcher Stevenson: I'm not a Judge or Jury why bother telling me that i'm just trying to help you find her; though we both know she'll need to be turned over too the Police. Gerard Clemons: Yes! I know! Just then a man appears in the Doorway of Captain Stevenson office this man has very Dark skin he is an african american man wtih a buzz cutt for hair and Brown eyes the man is wearing all black from his longsleeve shirt to his sweat pants. Captain Stevenson looks and sees this very man standing in his doorway. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Come in Peters! Hatcer says to the man. THen Hatcer speaks to Gerard. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Gerard Clemons this is my second in command Levi Peters! Levi steps into Captain Stevenson's office.Levi and Gerard shake Hands. Gerard Clemons: Nice to meet you. Levi Peters: Like wise! Captain Stevenson sees a large yellow folder in Levi's right hand. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Well! Come on Peters don't keep me in suspense let me have the folder. Levi hands Captain Stevenson the Large Yellow Folder. Captain Stevenson takes the Yellow Folder and sets it down in front of him and opens it. As Captain Stevenson carefully reads the folder Levi Stands there looking at Captain Stevenson waiting. Gerard Notices Levi's facial expression. Gerard Clemons: Is there something wrong? CLevi turns toward Gerard. Levi Peters: That's what i'm trying to figure out sir! We then see Captain Steven remove His Pink sunglasses revealing his Icy blue eyes;' he sets the Pink sunglasses down onto his desk. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Alright Peters you're dismissed! Levi Peters: Thank you! sir! Levi turns and walks out of Captain Stevenson's office. We then see The Captain sit back into his chair and looks right at Gerard Clemons. Captain Hatcer Stevenson: Tell Mr. Clemons has Dr. Beldsoe ever Gone Hunting? Gerard Looks at Captain Stevenson. Gerard Clemons: Not to my Knowlege' Why do you ask? Captain Hatcher Sevenson: Mr. Clemons I'm looking at some names here and all of the names i'm looking at are ex-Military any reason your freind who's also your client would hire what appears to be a Hunting Party? Gerard Looks at Captain Stevenson. Gerard Clemons: I wish i could tell you why Captain Hatcher' But i'm afriad i can't. Captain Hatcher Steven begins reading from the file. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Lt. James Davidson ex' Mariene WHITE male age 41' Next Remy Koslov Russian army hand to hand combat age 36' Next Lt. Irene Anderson former Seal sniper' age 39' Lt' Bart Larson Ex-Army Ranger age 38' and Finally Lt. Hank French and his bother Robert french explosive experts; Look I'm no Laywer. but the names of these people they weren't hiring to hike up any Mountain' this is a hanting Party! My Question to you Mr. Clemons what exactly is your friend Hunting? Gerard Clemons: Oh' my God him. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Him who? Gerard Clemons: Perry! she must be looking for Perry! Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Her co-worker who is listed as missing? Gerard Clemons: I see you've read up on everything. Captain Hatcer Stevenson: I wouldn't be good a my job if i didn't Mr. Clemons' I'm Curious to know what lead her to believe he's here in Alaska? Gerard Clemons: Captain Stevenson have you had any missing person cases? Captain Hatcer Stevenson: You know i can't release any information too you! Gerard Clemons: Please! it may be important! Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Why don't you tell me why its important? Gerard Clemons: We know that people go missing all the time' Perry Patron lived in Califronia from 20012-2020 and durning that time there were many People reported Missing' I think this man this Perry Patron killed those missing people' In fact i came to findout that' Patron was a fake name the man had used' this is way the Judge agreed to House arrest there was enoough evidence to show this man' this Perry may have had something to do with The death's Olivia was being accused of' As for what brought her here i can only assume she found a connection to something here thaat made her think he was here and it could have been missing people. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: 4 climbers went missing two months ago they've never been found' I suppose that anwsers most of my Questions' but ley me ask you this Mr.Clemons' If she finds this Perry what are her Plans? does she want him Alive or dead? Gerard Clemons: I can't really say' my hope is alive so we can turn him over to the California state Police. Captain Stevenson stands up and walks around his Desk. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Follow me Mr. Clemons. Gerard stands up and begins to Follow Captain Stevenson. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: I'm about to do something i Don't Usually do Mr. Clemons I'm about disclose what we've been looking into since those climbers went missing two months ago. Gerard Clemons: You belive theres a connection? Captain Hatcer Stevenson: There could be a connection' Were about to do a search of te Alasken Mountains and you're coming with us. Gerard Clemons: Thank you Captain Stevenson! Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Don't thank me yet Mr. Clemons we haven't found Her. Just then we see a Helicopter outside of The Rangers station their are four people already on the Helicopter Pilot Heather Lane' Co- pilot Walter sawyer' in the back there are two men is Levi Peters and the other man has red hair and green eyes he is wearing all cameo His name is Alex Gardner. The men watch as the door comes open and they see Captain Hatcher and Gerard Clemons Walking out the door walking toward the Helicopter. the two men get to the Helicopter we see Captain Stevenson step into the Helicopter and then Gerard Clemons' the two men sit down. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Alright Take us up Heather! Just then the helicopter begins to lift up off the ground slowly Gerard watches as the ground becomes smaller and smaller' The Helicopter is completly off the ground now' we see the four men in the back Captain Stevenson begins to talk. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Alright Peters give me last nights report. Levi Peters: Sir! Last night we lost contact with the rangers station located on the western side of the mountains' they had contacted us about a women making it too there station and then the transmission got cut off! Gerard Clemons: That's why you brought these weapons you're expecting trouble! Captain Hatcher Steveson: ONe final question Mr. Clemons' is Dr. Oliva Bledsoe in leauge wuth this Man'this Perry? Gerard Clemons: No! Captain Hatcher Stevenson: I sure hope your right! Gerard Clemons: Captain Stevenson as it occured to you that Oliva is the one in Danger? Captain Hatcher Stevenson: here's what as Occured to me Mr. Clemons' You're Dr. Bledsoe decided to hunt down another Human' When hunting you're either the Hunter or Hunted you're either Predator or Prey the Question is which one is Dr' Oliva Bledsoe and which ine is Perr? Gerard Clemons: And that's what were going to find out isn't Captain Stevenson? Captain Hatcher Stevenson: You Damn right! Just then The Pilot speaks. Pilot Heather Lane: Captain Steven! Were coming up on the Rangers station. The Helicopter is approaching the station it's coming closer and Closer the Helicopter mnow Hover's over the Landing strip. Co-Pilot Walter Saywer: Sir the landing strip is clear there's no snow on it! Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Alright Lane! Take us down! The Helicopter descends down going lower and Lower until it finally touches the Helicoter pad. with the Helicopter on the ground Pilot Heather lane and co-pilot Walter Sawyer kill the engine the Propeller's begin to slow down unti finally they are off. Captain Hatcher Steven: Peters' Gardner with me! Lane' Sawyer do a system's check and then come in! As Captain Stevenson exits the Helicopter as Does Levi Peters' Alex Gardner and Gerard Clemons as the Men begin to walk toward the Ranger station the door swings open. a women with red hair stands there holding the door open for the men. Captain Hatcher Stevenson: How's it going Bates? Wendy Bates: Not good sir after our strange visitor should up we lost comms! Captain Hatcer Stevenson: Let me guess a blonde hair woman named Bledsoe? Wendy shakes her head no! Wendy Bates: Sir! No sir a woman with Raven like hair named Margret! The men enter the building and then Wendy shuts the door. Who is this strange woman and why did she come too the rangers station will they find out who she is and what she wants?

Saturday, March 20, 2021


1795: It is the year of our Lord March 29th 1795 we see a ship sailing across stormy Atlantic Ocean; The thunder rolls across the sky as the lightning comes down through the hard rain and whirling wind and touches the icy cold Atlantic Ocean; Just then Captain Lou Hawks Bellows out instruction to his crew of men. Captain Nathan Forbes: Man! the sails damme you; Man the sails!! Well above Deck the ship is being rocked back and forth by the violent storm below deck we see Four people are holding on for dear life Just then a Man in a blue Overcoat with brass buttons he has a bit of a tan as does the girl next to him. The Man has White hair and a well shaved face the girl Next to him is dressed in An Aqua Bless dress her Hair Ravin Black her eye a Hazel Color The girl’s name is Josette Dupree. Next to Josette is a young Blonde- Haired women who is dressed in a ragged ‘brown dress women; She isn’t wearing any Makeup she has icy blue eyes the two women are holding hands. Josette begins speaking to this other ‘women. Josette Dupree: Angelique I don’t think I’ll will ever see my Barnabas. Angelique: Oh’ My Lady you will indeed make it to your love this I promise you. Angelique Grabs onto the post that is connected to the floor and Ceiling she pulls herself up as the ship is being moved up and down by the hard winds and high waves. Captain Nathan Forbes: Water ‘Spout dead ahead Brace for impact! The Twirling water Is Coming closer and closer to the ship; Meanwhile below deck we see Angelique holding on to the Wooden Post with one arm and holding Josette’s hand with the other. Just then Angelique begins to whisper. Angelique: I call upon you Mother of Nature I call Upon you to Lift this storm and make us a clear Path; hear me Oh’ My dear Mother hear me and obey my words! Meanwhile Back on the deck of the Ship we see Captain Nathan Forbes Stands at the wheel he waits for the water sprout to comes across his ship; Just then the whirling water stops right before it makes contact with the ship Captain Nathan Forbes is the only one seeing this; the rest of his crew has the heads down and covered. He watches as the Water Sprout twirls and just like the that the whirling water Lifts the sea goes from rocky to calm. Captain Nathan Forbes: Men! Left your heads God as smiled upon us he has lifted the storm se we can sail on; Lower the Mass and set sail For Collinsport! The With the storm gong and the sea calm Captain Forbes ship begins to move as a slight gust of wind blow and pushes the ships sails outward causing Captain Forbes Ship to move forward. Meanwhile below deck we see Angelique Helping Josette to her feet. Josette Dupree: Thank you Angelique. As Josette make her way to the deck of the ship Josette’s Father Andre Dupree speaks to the servants his family brought with them from the island of Martinique. Andre Dupree: I want this mess cleaned up and all are thing ready to move off this ship before we Dock is that Understood? All 5 servants nod their heads; Andre leaves them to go up to the deck of the ship with Josette. We see The Doors come open the men who are working and sailing the ship stare at the doors to see a woman with raven like hair hazel she is wearing a shiny brown dress the men stare at her; her face is like that of Princess her body is slender her breast and perfect. Just then Captain Forbes hollers out to his crew. Captain Nathan Forbes: Get to work you mangy see Dogs! We See Josette staring out onto the crew and then up into the night sky she sees the stars twinkling. Josette Dupree: How Lovely. Just then Josette’s father comes up behind. Andre Dupree: Excuse me! Josette lowers her head and turns to see her father is standing behind her; she backs away from him giving him room to come out onto the deck of the ship. Andre Dupree: Would you look at that night sky how peaceful it looks; and the sea is so calm now! Almost as if the storm never existed. Captain Nathan Forbes: Unless you look at my ship. Josette smiles at Captain Forbes. Josette Dupree: Captain when will we reach Collinsport? Captain Nathan Forbes: By Midday Countess. Andre turns toward Captain Forbes. Andre Dupree: By Midday! Why so long? Captain Nathan Forbes: That Question lets me know you’ve never sailed into Collinsport; In order to reach her Harbor we must Past through a Narrow Passage that cuts underneath a Place called Widows Hill Widows Hill is surrounded by large Jagged rocks; we must past slowly for if one of those rock touches this ship we will sink then we must go through the Narrow Passage way; for that is the quickest route to Collinsport; unless you’d like me to go around Widows hill and to the main Harbor of The Collins Canary; the route I suggested before we left Martinique that will take 2 days; so decide here and now before we get any closer which will it be? Andre Dupree: The quickest route captain I leave are lives in your capable hands. We then see Angelique peaks her head out as she looks at the night sky Andre spots her and yells. Andre Dupree: You get back down below deck servant I nor my daughter summoned you. As Angelique turns Josette hollers out. Josette Dupree: Wait a moment Angelique. Just then Angelique stops dead in her tracks Josette Dupree: For your information Father! I summoned for my Angelique she is my servant after all! Andre shakes his dead at his daughter. Andre Dupree: Fine! Andre walks away. We see Josette and Angelique standing beside each other looking out onto the sea. Josette: Oh’ Angelique I long for my love I long for my Barnabas; soon we will reach the new world. Angelique: You will be with you lover so enough my Josette; For now! let us enjoy the view of the sea. Josette Dupree: I now We see the ocean every time we look out my window back home but there’s something about seeing here right; right now! in this very moment. Angelique: Its because this time you are on it to get married to the man you Love? Josette smiles. Josette Dupree: Oh’ Angelique Just think a whole new life waits for us in the land they call America! Angelique: A New life? For you maybe but I will still be a slave to your family. Josette Dupree: Oh’ Angelique didn’t I tell you? Angelique: Tell me what? Josette Dupree: As soon as Barnabas and I are Married I am setting you free! Angelique: Free? Josette Dupree: As soon as I set you ‘free I will give you a Thousand dollar’s so you can go and do what ever you want. You know all this time together I’ve never asked you your last name; please tell me what it is? Angelique: Actually! Angelique is my slave name giving to me by your family; My real name is Marie Ascot; That is my real name. Josette Dupree: Oh’ my I never knew I will never call you Angelique again my dear Marie! Marie Ascot: Thank you my dear Josette; I Haven’t spoken my real name since I was at least seven! but I never forgot it. Josette Dupree: Do you remember when your family was sold to mine? Marie thinks back to when she was a little girl she remembers being surrounded by figures in all black ropes. Marie Ascot: Where am I? and why am I here? Just then a ‘women Removes her hood and reveals her dark colored skin and Raven Like hair her Hazel colored eyes. Beatrix: Hello My child my name is Beatrix your mother Irena as brought to you to me and your fellow sisters. Marie thinks about her mother’ she thinks about how her mother doesn’t have the same hair as her and how she has never seen her father. Beatrix: Ask me? Marie can hear Beatrix speak to her without Beatrix’s lips; She can hear Beatrix inside her head. Beatrix: You are not born of a mother or a father you’re are a child of this Planet you were born of this earth; you are a child of Nature of the wind’ the water’ The Very soil of this Planet. Just then Marie begins to speak back to Beatrix without moving her lips. Marie Ascot: What is my Purpose in this life? Beatrix: Your Purpose is to watch over a very specific human; a young girl Named Josette Dupree you and are about to be sold to her family; you will watch over her protect her; with all your powers; They will of course give you a slave name and what ever name you are giving you will respond? Marie Ascot: Is there anything I cannot do? Beatrix: You Must never use your powers against Josette or anyone she may love for if you do will no longer be a child of the earth; you will be a child of Satan himself! Marie Ascot: Is that who we are protecting the Mortals from? Beatrix: We are Protecting humans from the Dark forces that they cannot see or hear the Dark forces we call Leviathan; they are serpent Like creatures who worship and follow the Devil they are his offspring his blood; some of them are even Former Witches and warlocks that are beyond redemption; I ask this of you Marie are you ready to stand against the Forces of Darkness called the Leviathan? Marie Ascot: I am my queen! I am indeed ready! We now see Marie still standing on the ship next to Josette. Josette Dupree: Marie! Marie! Marie snaps out of her flashback and looks at Josette. Marie Ascot: Oh’ Sorry! I was just remembering my father and mother. Marie lying to Josette in order to protect her from the truth and the Danger that surrounds her and her family. Josette Dupree: Well! After my weeding you can go back to Martinique and see them. Marie shakes her head no. Marie Ascot: I’m afraid my Parents are long gone; you and your family are all I have left in this word! I think I’ll Just find a place in Collinsport that way I can look in on the one and only friend I have! Josette and Marie Hug. We now see The ocean the waves going up and then down; they go up and come down they come down forcing the water to crash against sharp Jagged Rocks we slowly pan up’ Up all the way to the top of a Hill We see a young girl with brownish red Hair sitting on a Log she looks Sad as she stares out onto the sea. We then see a doll all dressed in white looking at the young Girl we hear a mans voice trying to imitate a women’s voice Odd Voice: Way young Sarah Collins what are you doing sitting here on’ top Widows hill? you’ll catch you’re death of Cold! On the man’s right Finger is a black Onyx Ring. Sarah Smiles and turns around looking up at her brother a man with black hair and black eyes. Sarah Collins: Oh’ Barnabas You fixed Her! Sarah Hugs Barnabas. Barnabas Collins: Oh’ My dear sister did you honestly think I Wouldn’t? Sarah lets go of Barnabas and Looks at the doll she can Just make out the Sowing needle marks! Sarah Collins: Well! You have been rather busy at the Shipping Yards! Uncle Jeremiah as kept you rather Busy. Barnabas Collins: Well! I just got her sowed together this morning I’ll have you know; Now would you be so kind as to answer my Question? What are you doing out here on top of Widows Hill? Sarah Collins: You’d laugh at me if I told you why I was sitting here? Barnabas Collins: Tell mew anyway. Sarah Collins: I heard them walling again; the Widows that is I heard them calling out the names of there lost lovers. Barnabas Collins: Did you Now? Sarah Collins: I did indeed my dear brother I could hear them; I heard The Voice of Rachel Comstock’ Wife of Fredrick Comstock’ I then heard the voice of Abigail Tolliver’ Wife of Rufus Tolliver and last but not least I heard Margaret Findley the wife of Atticus Findley and then my deal brother I heard them all at once. Barnabas Collins: I suppose your so buy listening to the widows to want this old thing back Sarah Jumps up grapping the doll out of her brother’s hand. Sarah Cradle’s the doll smiling at it. Barnabas Walks over and crabs his cane it has a Dog’s head made of silver and Gold! Sarah Collins: You don’t believe me do you brother? Barnabas Collins: Sarah! Just because I don’t believe in Myth’s Legends and ghost doesn’t mean I think you’re lying to me; I just means we don’t believe in the same thing! Sarah Collins: I guess your right; So how were you able to finally slip away from the shipping yards Brother? Did our dear Cousin Quentin finally show up for once? Sarah giggles; knowing he most likely didn’t. Barnabas Collins: No! Ben Stokes picked up his shift. Sarah Collins: Good Ole Ben he’s a hard worker; So’ Where do you suppose our dear Cousin is? Barnabas Collins: Where indeed? We know see the stables for the Horses and up in the loft there is Hay laying on the solid wood 2X4s we see the Hay begin to move we hear a women giggling we then she an African American woman with Red hair and then the head of a white women’s head peak out from the hay; we then see a third head pealing out from underneath the Hay the man has Dark wavy like hair and black eyes His skin is white he smiles. The African American woman Reese Pastor: Quentin were going to get in so much trouble. Quentin Collins: Ladies can you honestly tell me you’d rather being doing Manuel Labor then this? Besides who’s going to tell on us? Just then Quentin Hears a voice. Barnabas Collins: Yes! Who indeed? Quentin turns on his stomach to see his Cousin Barnabas standing in the stables below. Quentin Collins: Well! If it isn’t my dear Cousin Barnabas! Ladies you know Barnabas; Barnabas you Know Reese and Leslie. Quentin Hops down from the loft. Quentin now stands in front of his cousin naked. Barnabas Collins: For the Love of God will you put some clothes on! Quentin looks up at the woman who are still laying in the hay. Quentin Collins: Ladies my things! Reese tosses Quentin’s clothes down to Him We See Barnabas Walking out of the stable Standing next to a white stallion. We Now see Quentin coming out of the stable with his Pants We see Black Stallion come out of the stable behind Quentin as Barnabas gets on his horse. Quentin finishes button his shirt. He then goes to Mount his horse he Then fall’s off his horse and hits the ground. He lays on his back looking up at His Horse. Barnabas Collins Shakes his head. Barnabas Collins: Have you been drinking? Quentin Collins: Maybe a little! Quentin gets up off the ground and dust himself off he then Mounts the horse this time without falling off ‘of his Horse. Quentin Collins: Shall we Cousin! So’ Barnabas turns His Horse around and Leads the way through the Open field Quentin is chasing Barnabas Horse and is coming closer and closer to coming neck and neck. As they come Upon the dirt road; They are now Neck and neck. Quentin Collins: I’m not too drunk! my dear cousin I have caught up to you. Barnabas Collins: But you’ve forgot about the evening Carriage from. We see the evening Mail Carriage coming up the winding dirt road. Barnabas moves his Horse slightly to the right Just Barely missing the Mail Carriage; Quentin Moves his Horse to the left going off the dirt road and onto the grass; Quentin Watches as Barnabas as taking a steady lead as he is going toward town. Quentin Collins: Not this time Cousin! Quentin takes the reigns and smacks the horse’s skin with them. The Horse Begins to Gallop as he takes along the Open ‘field he the horses hoofs beat off the ground. Finally! Quentin’s horse is Once Again catching Barnabas Horse. There is a fruit kart directly In front of Quentin’s Horse Quentin’s Horse Jumps over the Fruit Kart in the Process of going over it and landing on the other side; and cutting in front of Barnabas’s Horse they Just now come into the town of Collinsport Quentin slows up his horse as does Barnabas; The two Cousins who are more like brother toward each other are now riding at a slow pace side by side. Quentin Collins: Not bad for a Drunk man! Barnabas smiles and shakes his head. As they come toward the Collinsport Canary we see a Large ship begin to Pull into ‘The docks of Collinsport Quentin Collins: Well! my dear Cousin I believe that’s the ship you’ve been waiting for. Barnabas dismount his Horse and begins walking toward the docks. Quentin Collins dismounts his Horse and heads toward the Eagle ‘The Local Bar in the small Town of Collinsport. He enters the Bar. Inside the Bar is a Waitress with Red hair. Quentin Collins: Hazel! Hazel who is one of the Bar Maiden’s who works at the Eagle looks to see Who is calling her name. Hazel Brown: Well! If it isn’t Quentin Collins! I thought I told you never to come back her fella! That is until you could pay for your stinks. Quentin reaches into his Pocket and Pulls out a pouch he then walks over to the Table Hazel is cleaning and when he gets their he sets the Bag down and Hazel; hears ‘the sound of coins. Hazel stops cleaning the table and grabs the pouch. Quentin watches as Hazel walks over and puts the coins behind the counter Quentin walks up to the bar and sits down on one of the Bar stool’s Staring at Hazel. Quentin Collins: Oh’ Hazel when did you become So Serious? Hazel: I have too work! Quentin; Some of us don’t have the Luxury of being rich. Quentin smiles. Quentin Collins: I Remember when we were just kids and we’d explore the old caves beneath Widows Hill We’d go up to Eagle Hill Cemetery and try to find the secret Passages that are rumored beneath the Cemetery; But I Guess you’re too much of adult to go on any more adventures with the likes of me! Hazel: I guess you’ll have too find some other girl too go on adventures with! Quentin Collins: Oh’ where’ where will I find such a girl? Meanwhile we see two hands each hand is carrying a suitcase; We pan up too see the lovely Marie Ascot trying to carry Josette’s Luggage off’ of the ship; Marie is walking down the small plank that is touching the Ground she is almost their when out of nowhere Captain Nathan Forbes rushes by without excusing himself; As Marie Stumbles she drops the suitcases the land on the Plank sliding right too Josette While Marie falls into the water. Marie comes right up. Captain Forbes continues to walk toward the Office of Jerimiah Collins While Marie Comes to the Surface. Just then we see a hand extend for Maire on one of the fingers is a black Onyx ring. Marie extends her hand and the man Lifts her out of the water. Josette Dupree: Oh’ Barnabas Thank goodness you were nearby. Barnabas Takes off his overcoat and wraps it around Marie. Barnabas and Josette help her up. Barnabas Collins: Come on there’s a fire inside the Eagle we can have her sit by it too get warm. Josette Dupree: I wonder what’s gotten into Captain Forbes? So’ as Barnabas and Josette walk Marie toward the Eagle; we now see Jerimiah Collins sitting in his office behind his desk making out documents for the future of the Collins family. Just then there is a Knock at his Office door. Jerimiah Collins: Enter! The door swings open Jerimiah looks up too see Captain Forbes entering his office Just then Nathan Slams The door. Jerimiah Collins: Could you do that again captain I don’t think the dead heard you! Captain Nathan Forbes: This is no time for Jokes Jerimiah! Jerimiah Collins: Its never a time for Jokes with you people is it? I suppose that’s why my door got slammed? Captain Nathan Forbes: Do you remember the oath you took Just then Captain Forbes unbuttons his shirts sleeve to reveal the marking of a snake the mark of the Leviathan. Captain Nathan Forbes: I am not just speaking to you as Captain Forbes but as a member of the Leviathan. Jerimiah then unbuttons the right sleeve of his shirt revealing the same exact Mark a snake symbol the mark of the Leviathan. Jerimiah Collins: Then speak my fellow Leviathan Brother at tell me what troubles you? Captain Nathan Forbes: There was a Witch aboard my ship! Jerimiah Collins: Any idea who it might have been? Captain Nathan Forbes: Well! No! I don’t. Jerimiah Collins: Look! The way I see it that witch! did us a favor by assuring not only your safe Passage but My nephew’s future bride safety. Captain Nathan Forbes: So’ you not going to inform that Constable! Jerimiah Collins: That Load all he’ll do is kick in ever house door in the village; and all that will do is cause a Panic! That my fellow Leviathan brother is not something we need nor want; have Patience maybe this witch will reveal herself to us! Captain Nathan Forbes: When do you plain on taking to Barnabas about becoming a member. Jerimiah Collins: After the wedding! Captain Nathan Forbes: Ok! Then what about your son! Jerimiah smiles. Jerimiah Collins: My Son! You really think my son Quentin would be a good fit for the Leviathan? Captain Nathan Forbes: You feel he would resist membership? Jerimiah Collins: Captain Forbes! My son is either Drinking or to the point of drunk and even when he is sober he’s usually to busy with a women he barely knows to come to work; My son is the most lazy Bastard I ever met; He would not make a good member for the Leviathan! Captain Nathan Forbes buttons his shirt back as does Jerimiah. Forbes leaves Jerimiah’s office. Meanwhile over at the Eagle which is the Local Bar We see the door of the Eagle come open; We see Barnabas and Josette Leading Marie through the Bar and over toward the fire ‘Place they get her there and then sit her down. Beside ‘The Fire. Marie Ascot: Thank’ Thank’ Thank You! Barnabas Collins: If you’re trying to thank me; there no need and beside I can’t really understand you. Josette Dupree: Oh’ Marie I hope you don’t get sick! Barnabas Collins: Is she important to the wedding? Josette Dupree: Oh’ Maire is my maid of Honor. Barnabas Collins: Oh’ I see well then! we can’t have you getting sick now can we. All ‘of a sudden Quentin stumbles over with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Quentin Collins: Well! Good evening Cousin! And you must be the lovely Josette. Josette and Barnabas turn toward Quentin who is completely intoxicated. Josette can smell the Alcohol all over Quentin’s breath. Josette turns away from Quentin. Barnabas then grabs Quentin and walks him to the other side of the Bar they then come to a table and Barnabas forces Quentin to sit down. Barnabas Collins: I leave you along for 10 Minutes and your more drunk now then what were. Quentin Collins: Barnabas you Don’t know how to live it up and you need to relax. Quentin pointing at the three Barnabas’s in front of him. Barnabas Collins walks back over to Josette. Barnabas Collins: You both have my apology for Quentin’s Manor. Josette turns back toward Barnabas. Josette Dupree: It’s alright; his he always like this? Barnabas Collins: Well! Pretty much. Just then Marie turns and looks up and Barnabas. Marie Ascot: Dear sir! Thank you for saving my life; please Allow me to deal with your cousin; so that you can take my Josette up to your home. Barnabas Collins: Are you sure you can deal with him.? Marie Ascot: I am sure! Barnabas Smiles at Maire. Barnabas Collins: I will leave you too it then. Barnabas and Josette Join hand and walk out of the bar; We see Marie look over at Quentin who smiles at her while lifting a bottle of whiskey in the air; Just then Marie turns away from Quentin. Quentin with Bottle in hand stands up and walks over too Marie. Quentin now stands beside Marie he sits himself down beside her. Quentin Collins: Well! Aren’t you pretty; What’s your name? Marie Ascot: Marie Ascot. Quentin Collins: But you’re a servant’ a slave to Dupree family; aren’t you? Marie Ascot: Well! Yes! Quentin Collins: What is your slave name. Marie Ascot: Angelique! Quentin smiles. Quentin Collins: Then that is what I will call you; My Angelique! Oh’ Angelique what adventure shall we embark on? Angelique: Adventure! Your so drunk you can barely walk let along go on an adventure. Quentin hands Angelique the bottle of whiskey and then Passes out; Angelique shakes her head. Meanwhile in the town of Collinsport we see a man walking through a narrow hallway the man has dark Raven like hair and hazel colored eyes Just then the man stops Before a Door and puts on a black mask. Just then another mand with light brown hair comes out of the door the man is standing in front of. Dr. Franchise Avery: Oh’ Joshua Thank god you’ve come! This boy needs your help as do I. Just then the two men enter the room where a young boy Lay unconscious. Dr. Franchise Avery: Gentleman this is the man I told you about; This is Dr. Joshua Collins we went to Edinboro together. The other Doctor’s nod at the Dr. Collins. Dr. Franchise Avery: Dr. Collins ‘The boy came in with his mother and he was couching and sweating he was also very dizzy and seem to be lightheaded. Dr. Collins walks over to the boy and puts his ear to the boy’s chest he hears his faint breathing. Joshua lifts his head from the boy’s chest. Dr. Joshua Collins: Gentleman I would like to try something with this boy; it’s something I call a blood transfusion; this is when we drain the boy’s blood and replace it with one of ours. Just then another Doctor interjects. Dr. Mathew Savage: You want us to drain to boy’s blood and then replace it with one of ours; This boy needs more herbs not some Junk science. Dr. Joshua Collins: Gentleman! I was told this boy as been giving every Herb in the Providence of Maine; I believe there’s a reason the boy’s body is fighting these Herbs I believe his blood was Poisoned receiving any Herbs giving to him after receiving the poison would only aid in whatever has Poisoned him. So’ Dr. Collins has to needle’s, Dr, Joshua Collins: I Will stick this needle in his are while Dr. Avery you’ll stick this needle in his other arm. Dr. Franchise Avery: Where do I stick this third needle? Dr. Joshua Collins: it goes into your arm Dr. Avery; You see your blood we go into ‘The young boy’s as his poisoned blood is being drained; Dr. Collins preforms the transfusion. After while we see the doctor’s the Looking in as Dr. Avery comes up to Dr. Collins. Dr. Franchise Avery: I hope for your sake this works Joshua! Just then the young boy’s eyes come open He looks around. Joshua and Franchise walk up to the young boy. Dr. Joshua Collins: How are you feeling? The boys Look at Dr. Collins and then Dr. Avery. Patrick Reed: I’m feeling pretty good. Joshua Smiles; We now see Joshua coming out of the small building as does Dr. Avery. Dr. Franchise Avery: I’ll be Dammed! I can’t believe that worked. Dr. Joshua Collins: Science and Medicine are coming together My dear old friend. Joshua climbs up on his Horse. Dr. Avery watches as Dr. Collins rides off. Meanwhile we see Quentin Next to Angelique. Quentin Collins: What’s This as Quentin looks at a cup Angelique handed him. Angelique: It’s Coffee. Quentin Collins: Why’ do I need coffee? Angelique: Well! You’re the one who wants to go on all These adventures; how are you going to take me on any adventurers if your drunk? Quentin Collins: You’re a pushy bitch! aren’t you? Angelique: Yes! Yes! I am! So’ Quentin sips his coffee. Angelique: So’ are you excited about the wedding? Quentin Collins: Excited! I’m excited about the after party with all the booze and the women which will include you of course. Angelique: You really like drinking and having sex’ don’t you? Quentin Collins: I enjoy living! Have you honestly tried living instead of doing what everyone tells you to do? Angelique: What! Do you mean? Quentin tosses his coffee in the fire and sets the cup down. Quentin Collins: Follow me! Quentin gets as does Angelique; they both walk and walk they then come outside the bar. Quentin grabs his horse and then mounts it. He sits on his extending his hand to Angelique. Angelique grabs Quentin’s hand as she lifts her right foot’ then as Quentin lifts her up off the ground and up onto the Horse With; Angelique now up on the horse sitting behind Quentin; Angelique wraps her arms around Quentin’s waste locking her hands together. Quentin Collins: Giddy up! With That command Quentin’s Horse begins to move forward the horse makes its way through the small fishing Village. Meanwhile On’ the Collins Estate we see a Large Mansion with white Pillar’s in the front of it we see Barnabas And Josette standing in front of the Large Mansion. Josette Dupree: So’ This is Collinwood? Barnabas Collins: For the time being! Josette looks at Barnabas. Barnabas Collins: Oh’ that’s right I forgot to tell you that the new Collinwood is being built on top of Widows Hill! Josette Dupree: Two Collinwood’s! Just then the doors of the Mansion come Open and standing in the doorway is a Little girl standing in the doorway wearing a pink dress and holding Her Doll. Josette Dupree: You must be Sarah! Sarah Smiles. Sarah Collins: And you must be Josette! Sarah And Josette Hug. Sarah Collins: I can already tell me brother doesn’t deserve you! Barnabas Collins: hey! I heard that! Sarah Smiles as does Josette. Josette Dupree: Your Right he probably doesn’t be! Josette says with a smile and a wink to Barnabas Collins. Barnabas Collins: Sarah Where are all the servants? Sarah Collins: Trying to find me! But I hid from them so I could see you with Josette and I was hoping to catch father after he came ‘home I want to tell him something. Barnabas Collins: Are you still having that dream? Josette Dupree: What dream? Sarah Collins: No! I don’t want to scare you Josette considering we just meet. Josette and Barnabas step inside the Old Collinwood Mansion and close the doors the go into the drawing room with Sarah and sit down. Josette Dupree: Now! Why! Don’t you tell me about your dream? Sarah Collins: I don’t think I should; it’s not very pleasant. Josette Dupree: Come now! Were going to be family soon Young Sarah and family can tell each other anything. Sarah Collins: I’ I got to go. Sarah runs out of the drawing room and to the doors of the Collinwood Mansion she Opens them and runs outside; As she does Barnabas Runs to the door and hollers out. Barnabas Collins: Sarah! Sarah come back! Just as Sarah Runs ‘across we see a Horse drawn carriage approaching the Mansion inside the Carriage is Joshua Collins. Barnabas Collins: Father! Sarah ran off again! Dr. Joshua Collins: I find her you stay with Josette Until I return. So’ Barnabas Closes the door; Meanwhile High on top Widows Hill we see Quentin Collins and Angelique standing near the edge Looking out onto the ocean. Angelique has her eyes. Quentin Collins: Now doesn’t that fill like your flying! Angelique opens her eyes and steps back from the edge. She turns and walks towards Quentin. Angelique: No! Not really! Quentin Collins: Pushy and hard to please! You know you remind me of well me! Just as Angelique gets ready to say something back; she spots a little girl wearing a pink dress. Angelique: Who’s that. Quentin turns around to see his Cousin Sarah Coming out of the woods. Quentin Collins: Sarah! What do you think your doing out this late at night? Sarah Collins: I didn’t want to tell Josette my dream! Quentin shakes his head. Quentin removes his overcoat and wraps it around young Sarah. Quentin Collins: Dream! Dreams dear cousin nothing more nothing less then just dreams! Angelique: If the girl wishes to be out here; I’ll sit with her! Quentin Collins: Alright I’ll go back to the Old Mansion and tell them where you are and who you’re with; Goodnight Ladies! On his way back Quentin catches His Uncle Joshua looking for Sarah he stops and tells him that she’s safe that Sarah is with Josette’s servant and the two men head back to the old House. We now see Sarah and Josette and Angelique sitting on the Log looking out toward the sea. Sarah Collins: So’ are you my Cousin’s new girlfriend? He always seems to have a new one. Angelique smiles. Angelique: He wishes I was his girlfriend; no! I work for the Dupree family I’m Josette’s servant; My names Angelique! Sarah Collins: I’m Sarah Collins Barnabas’s Sister! Angelique: Its very nice to meet you Sarah! Sarah Collins: Angelique do you have a reoccurring dream? Angelique: No! I can’t say that I have; why do you? Sarah shakes her head yes! Angelique: Sometimes the best thing to do is to tell your dream to someone who you just meet! Sarah Collins: Like you? Angelique: Yes! Of course; that’s if you choose to tell me. Sarah Collins: Well! I’ve already told father’ my brother and Cousin Quentin and they just keep saying the same thing; that its just a dream but I keep getting the feeling its so’ much more! Angelique: Go on! Sarah Collins: It starts off with me sitting on the old tree stump that nears the center of those woods I’m sitting there; I don’t know why but I’m sitting there and all around me I hear the most awful sound I hear hissing all around me I try to cover my Hears but even when I do; the hissing grows louder and Louder and then I see snakes all around me hissing at me and then they disappear and I see My brother Barnabas standing by the tress; But he looks so’ different he looks pale and his eyes are darker then what they were before he calls my name but I am afraid to go to him; and then I turn from him and there’s this Wolf that is shaped like a man and he seems to be wearing Quentin’s clothes and then I scream and wake up! Angelique Hugs Sarah. Angelique: It’s alright now it really is just a bad dream. Angelique thinks to herself. Angelique: The girl’s dream is not a dream at all it is a Premonition; The child as the gift of the third eye! We see the waves hitting the rocks below as the day comes to an end. Friday March 30th 1795: Good Friday; We see the Sun Begin to Come Up Its rays touch the tress Above Widows Hill the Rays of light go past the trees and through the Land owned by the Collins family the light begins to touch the Old Collinwood Mansion. We are now in Josette’s Room as she is up early dressed in a Teal blue cotton dress. Josette Dupree: Is that what your wearing to church Angelique? Angelique: Um’ well yes; Angelique is wearing Red Cotton Dress. Josette smiles. Josette: Dupree: You look Lovely. Angelique: As do you! Oh’ Josette just think in two days you and Barnabas will be Married! Josette Dupree: I know! That reminds me; have you seen my father? Angelique: Yes! He arrived late last night as I was bringing young Sarah home. Josette Dupree: By himself? Angelique: He was with someone I think it was Barnabas’s Uncle. Josette gets up. Josette Dupree: Alright! I’ll go see if My father is ready; Angelique will you go see how My future Husband is coming along. As Angelique Walks toward Sarah’s Room Sarah comes out of her room dressed in a Brown dress. Sarah Spots Angelique. Sarah Collins: Oh’ Good Morning Angelique! Angelique: Good morning Sarah! You need to head downstairs; Will be leaving for Church soon. Sarah Collins: I know I’m going! Just then We see Josette knocks on her father’s door. The door opens and we Andre Dupree open his Door. Andre Dupree: Oh’s Josette! It’s you. Josette Dupree: Father why aren’t you dressed for church? Andre Dupree: Oh’ I’m not feeling so well! But I promise I’ll be better by tomorrow! Andre closes the door to his room rather quickly Josette gives a strange look. Josette Dupree: I wonder what’s come over father? Meanwhile we See Angelique walking through the halls of the Old Collinwood Mansion She comes to a Door on the left side and knocks on it’ She knocks and knocks but there is no Answer on Quentin’s door. Shen then Touches the door knob and turns it Just then the door to Quentin’s room come open Angelique walks into his room and stare at a bed that doesn’t look like it’s even been slept in; Angelique shakes her head and grabs the Knob and closes the door to Quentin’s room; She then walks down the hall a little further and Hears a Voice coming from another room she approaches a door that is cracked open just barley able to see inside the door Angelique see the reflection of skin she stops she now sees someone’s wrist and on that wrist the mark of the serpent the very mark used to represent the leviathan; Angelique covers her mouth and backs away she the turns a walks as quickly and Quietly as she can. Meanwhile downstairs we See Joshua and Barnabas escorting Sarah and Josette to the Carriage; We know see Angelique coming down the stairs. Angelique: Wait for me! Barnabas who is standing holding one of the doors open. As Angelique walks past him; she nods her head in thanks. Barnabas closes the door behind him and Board the Carriage behind Angelique’ Barnabas Closes the door; then After there all aboard the Carriage begins to move. While Barnabas And Josette talk to one another; We see Angelique staring at Sarah; Angelique Knows what part of Sarah’s Premonition means ‘But she begins to think what the other part of it could mean. Meanwhile In and old abandon House sits Quentin Collins with a bottle of Sherry We hear the old wooden floor’ boards creek! Just then we see another person entering the house; Quentin looks over he raises the bottle. Quentin Collins: Why if it isn’t Captain Nathan Forbes! Sit down Nathan have a drink Quentin takes another swig of the bottle. Captain Nathan Forbes: Quentin I need to talk to you. Quentin Collins: Then talk! While I make sweet love to this bottle here. Captain Nathan Forbes: Quentin! Listen to me! Me and your father are apart of a very special group and I’m here to offer you to be in that group. Quentin stands up with bottle in hand. Quentin Collins: Group! Nathan this right here is the only group I need. Quentin holds the bottle out in front of him showing to Nathan. Captain Nathan Forbes: Don’t you hear what I’m saying to you? This is not an opportunity you want to pass up! Quentin Collins: Nathan! Did you see that hot blonde with Josette? Captain Nathan Forbes: That is her servant; you would sleep with a Peasant? Quentin turns toward the window and looks out onto the sea. Quentin Collins: My dear Captain Forbes a woman is a woman and that woman is beautiful; You Judge to much on rank! Just then Quentin hears a clicking sound; He turns to see Nathan’s Flintlock Pistol is Pointed right at him. Quentin Collins: What the hell are you doing? Captain Nathan Forbes: Now! I point this at you for you to know I mean Business! If you don’t want to Join what me and your father are apart of! Quentin Collins: I’m not joining anything Nathan! Beside what will you say about my body once people find it? Nathan smiles. Captain Nathan Forbes: While! You see where the gun is pointed it’s pointed right at your head! I just say I let you borrow my Gun and you killed yourself! Quentin Collins: No one! Will believe that! Captain Nathan Forbes: Won’t they? Just then Nathan pulls the Trigger the gun clicks but doesn’t fire! Quentin Collins: Miss fire! Quentin throws the bottle at Nathans face causing Cherry to go in Nathan’s eye blinding him. Quentin pulls Captain Forbes sword from his belt and thrust it into Nathan’s Stomach; Causing Nathan to drop the Pistol! Nathan grabs the end of the sword; Nathan’s mouth comes open we see Nathan gasping for air as Quentin Rams the sword in all the way! He then backs away and Looks at Nathan who falls to his knees then to his side and Dies; Quentin looks at his hands they are covered in Nathan’s blood Quentin begins to breath heavily; Quentin Collins: Why was Nathan trying to kill me? What do I do? Quentin then goes over to Nathan’s lifeless body he kneels ‘down and turns Nathan over. Quentin Collins: Why? God Damme you why? Quentin shouts at Nathan. Quentin Looks around he then gets up and takes off all his over coat and lays it over Nathan he then unbuttons his shirt he then removes his shirt and lays it on the ground he then he then unbuttons his pants and removes them laying them on the ground; Meanwhile We Hear church bells ringing as most of Collinsport is inside the Church as Father Lamont Hanson stand at the Alter. Father Hanson: Good Morning! The entire church of People: Good Morning! Father Lamont Hanson: It is Good Friday and I usually give a sermon every good Friday but today I’m going to give a lesion; When Jesus died on the cross for our sins it Let us know that we would be forgiving by not just him but by his father Our Lord God! But just because God sacrificed his only son in ‘order for or sins to be forgiving; doesn’t mean we as People should give in to sins so willingly; Take Barnabas And Josette for example they have not giving into the sin of lust. Barnabas and Josette look at one another and Smile. Father Lamont Hanson: On Easter Sunday these’ two children of god will be Wed. We see a man on Horseback approaching the church as this man notices Large smoke in the distance. Man’ on Horseback: My God! He gets off his Horse and runs toward the church he burst through the door. Father Hanson and the entire church turn toward the doors. Barnabas Collins: Ben! Ben Stokes: Fire! Fire at the Old seaside House! People inside the church get up from their seats and exit the church and as soon as they get outside! they see the smoke. Barnabas Collins: Ben! Do you know if anyone was inside there? Ben Stokes: I don’t know. Dr. Joshua Collins: I hate to say this; but I don’t think it much matters look! They all watch as the seaside manor goes up in flames. After while we see Josette and Barnabas talking after church. Josette Dupree: I Hope no one was hurt! Sarah who is standing next to Angelique. Sarah Collins: The flames that that rise from the sea will cause the serpents from that walk the earth to move! Angelique: bends down! Angelique: Sarah! Listen to me I know there are things going on with you; but you must watch who and where you say these things to. Sarah nods her head and Angelique stand when she does; she sees Barnabas looking at her. Now at the Old House we see Quentin fully clothed sitting in the drawing room of the old house. Quentin hears the coach coming back toward the house. He sits there calmly as if nothing as happened. We see the carriage stops in front of the old house; The Carriage doors come open and one by one everyone gets out Joshua reaches the doors of the old house and opens them Joshua walks into the drawing room; Quentin shoots up out of his chair. Quentin Collins: Back so’ soon? Dr. Joshua Collins: The old seaside house burnt down. Quentin Collins: What? Dr. Joshua Collins: Yeah! Where have you been. Quentin Collins: I was walking the grounds. Barnabas Collins: Josette! Would you please look after Sarah today; I have ‘to go into town to work. Josette Dupree: Of’ Course I look after Sarah! We see Barnabas walk back out of the Old house as he ‘does he walks past Angelique he gives her a cold stare. Barnabas Gets into the Carriage. Barnabas Collins: To Collinsport. As the Coach begins to move Barnabas thinks to himself. Barnabas Collins: what was that woman saying to Sarah; something about seeing strange things; I’ll have to Question her when no one else is around. We Now see Josette and Sarah go upstairs all ‘The meanwhile Joshua is talking to Quentin as Angelique stand in the room. Dr. Joshua Collins: I can’t believe the old seaside house burned down. Quentin Collins: Come one uncle! Joshua that house was old and not well looked after. Dr, Joshua Collins: Yeah! True! Angelique: Excuse me! But did anyone own that house? Dr. Joshua Collins: The old seaside house was owned by the Devlin family; but they haven’t been seen for at least 20 years. Angelique: And no one knows where that family went? Dr. Joshua Collins: No! Well if you both excuse me I’m going to help Sarah with her schooling. Joshua leaves the drawing room and heads up stairs. We see Angelique walk over to Quentin. Angelique: Your Lying! Quentin Collins: I Beg your Pardon. Angelique: You lied to your uncle just now; about walking the grounds. Quentin Collins: What makes you say that? Angelique: Because back we I came from ever time before the sun came up I would walk the Dupree’s estate; And I decided to continue that little tradition once we got here; I walked up and down this ground and I didn’t see you. Quentin Smiles. Quentin Collins: Tell me did you walk a good 10 miles north east? Angelique: Well! No. Quentin Collins: Well! My dear that is where I was for 10 miles east of here is a cemetery called Eagle hill. Quentin smiles and walks past Angelique; She turns and watches him leave. Angelique: Who were you visiting? Quentin stops just short of exiting the drawing room. Quentin turns around with a smile and says. Quentin Collins: I was visiting the grave an Isaac Collins! Quentin turns back around and walks toward the door of the old house he walks out the door. Meanwhile up stairs we see Josette watching Sarah do her history homework; Josette smiles. Josette Dupree: I hope ‘me and Barnabas have a little girl! Joshua and Sarah smile at Josette. As Joshua speaks to Josette A vision comes to Sarah. The Vision starts off with Her father who is in the drawing room of the old house. We see Joshua hugging some a dark ‘haired women the women lift’s her face off of Joshua’s chest; The women is Josette. Josette: I can’t believe he’s dead! Oh’ Barnabas! And then buries her head back into Joshua ‘s chest. Just then Sarah comes out of the Vision. Sarah looks over at Josette and her father; She wants to tell them what she saw but thinks about what Angelique told her this morning. Meanwhile in the town of Collinsport we see Barnabas Sitting at a desk looking at a paper; on the paper is a list of spices and goods that have been loaded onto Captain Forbes ship. Just then Jerimiah comes out of his Office. Barnabas Collins: Uncle! Captain Forbes hasn’t come in yet and signed off on his cargo. Jerimiah stops. Jerimiah Collins: Well! He’ll probably be in tomorrow I believe that’s when he’s shipping put. Barnabas rolls the paper up into a scroll and ties it off with a red ribbon; he then opens his desk drawer and puts the scroll in the desk drawer and then closes it. Barnabas continues signing more Papers. It is Now Mid-day the sun is high into the air and up at the Old house we see Angelique is outside washing Josette’s Bed sheets. She is on her knees dunking the sheets into the soapy water. Just then a shadow; comes over her she looks up to see Andre Dupree standing over her. Angelique: Mr. Dupree I see your finally up and about. Andre Dupree: Yes! I don’t know what came over me; But no matter; What did I miss? Angelique: Well! Church sir! And there was a fire at some old abandoned house. Andre Dupree: Oh’ ‘My! Um’ Angelique do you know where Josette is? Angelique: Yes! I believe she is with young Sarah; she is Showing Josette the new house! Andre Dupree: Oh’ Well! That’s good to here. Andre turns around and begins to walk away as he does Angelique sees the Mark of the serpent on Andre’s wrist; The Mark of the Leviathan. Angelique can’t believe what she is seeing; she knows Andre wasn’t a member of the Leviathan before’ Before then came to Collinsport’ and up to Collinwood. Just then We see Dr. Joshua Collins sitting in the drawing room of the Old House smoking his pipe. Dr. Joshua Collins: Finally! some peace. Angelique comes into the servant’s door into the Old House and Walks past Joshua as he sits there with his eyes closed. Angelique walks up the stairs’ walking to the second floor of the old house she gets to the second floor and walks down the long Hallway Angelique get to the last door on the right and turns tries to turn the Knob but the door is Locked. Angelique then walks back down the hallway she gets to the top of the staircase and walks down the steps she comes to the bottom of the staircase. Angelique stops and composes herself and then walks into the Drawing room. Angelique: Dr. Collins? Joshua opens his eyes to see Angelique standing before him; he removes his pipe from his mouth and lets out a small puff of smoke. Dr. Joshua Collins: Please call me Joshua. Angelique: Um’ Joshua I’ve cleaned all the bed sheets but one; and that’s the last room on the right; and I was hoping to get that person’s bed sheets but I can’t; for there door is locked. Dr. Joshua Collins: Oh’ That’s Jerimiah’s room! I’m sorry Angelique but I don’t have a key to that room Jerimiah does and besides Jerimiah as is on personal servant clean his room. Angelique: Oh’ I see! Well! Sorry to have disturbed you Joshua. Angelique leaves the old house; Meanwhile across the Collins estate sits a large mansion much larger ‘then the Old house; it is a Mansion that sits high up top widows hill We see Two People standing in front of the Large Mansion. Josette Dupree and Sarah Collins. Josette Dupree: Would you look at it; I can’t believe how large this house is. Sarah Collins: You know I’m not even supposed to show this to you; Barnabas was but I just learned from my father that the house is completely’ finished. Josette Dupree: Well! Barnabas can show me the inside. Sarah smiles. Sarah Collins: Josette? Josette knell’s down. Josette Dupree: What is it Sarah? Sarah Collins: Honestly! I don’t know; I keep seeing things’ scary things’ bad things and I have no idea why. Josette Dupree: I think I know why. Sarah Collins: Really! Why? Josette Collins: Change me and Barnabas will soon be married and you probably feel that once he and I are married you’ll never see him again; but that’s not true you’ll see him even if I have to get your father and Uncle to help me carry him over to see you! Sarah Collins: You really think that’s all my dreams are? Josette Dupree: Yes! Nothing bad is going to happen you’ll see. Sarah Collins: Promise? Josette Dupree: I Promise. Sarah Collins: Perhaps your right. Meanwhile we see Quentin Collins Who Is sitting on the ground beside a tree with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Angelique comes upon Quentin who is drinking. Quentin Collins: Well! Hello my lovely! Do you care to join me? Angelique shakes her head. Angelique: Where did you get that bottle from? Quentin: From the Basement! Of the old house. Angelique: Every time I see ‘you you’re always drinking. Quentin Collins: And what’s wrong with that? Nothing that’s what you know I little drink wouldn’t hurt you every now and then! Angelique: Quentin! I need to ask you about your father Jerimiah! Quentin Collins: My father! A wealthy man he is; hell! the whole family is full of money and riches. Angelique: I don’t care about the Money Quentin I just want to know what you know about your father? Quentin Collins: Him and his secret club! Angelique: What? Quentin Collins: Nothing Just leave me alone! Angelique: Fine! Angelique walks away from Quentin as she does Quentin sits there with tears coming from his eyes. Quentin Collins: My own father tried to have me Killed! We now see Josette and Sarah walking back from the New house they run into Angelique. Sarah Collins: There you are! Sarah Hugs Angelique and Angelique embraces Sarah back. Angelique: Yes! I’ve finished with my chores for the day. Josette Dupree: Sarah! Was showing me the outside of the new house. Angelique: Oh’ how nice. Josette’ Sarah and Angelique all walk back to the old house together. Meanwhile in the town of Collinsport inside the Eagle we see Ben Stokes sitting at a Table across from his good friend Barnabas Collins. They are sitting there having a late afternoon lunch. Barnabas Collins: I can’t believe the old seaside House burnt down; what a tragic accident. Ben Stokes: If it was indeed an accident. Barnabas Collins: Do you really believe someone actually’ started that fire? Ben Stokes: I don’t know strange things have been happening around the Village ever since your uncle came back from Egypt! Barnabas Collins: You mean like the death of my mother and the disappearance of her brother. Ben Stokes: I see you’ve been keeping track of things to. Barnabas leans in toward Ben. Barnabas Collins: Ben! This is no place to talk there are too many ears listening; but I know of a place we can talk; Meet me Tonight Just at Midnight at Eagle Hill! Ben Stokes: I’ll be there! We Now see Jerimiah Collins sitting in his Office behind his Desk his door his Open we see a man in a Dark Uniform enter Jerimiah’s office on the man’s uniform is a badge. Jerimiah looks up. Jerimiah Collins: Good afternoon Constable Trask! Constable Greggory Trask removes his hat to reveal his Jet ‘black hair and his dark eye. He closes Jerimiah’s office door. Constable Greggory Trask: Tell me! What’s so good about? Jerimiah Collins: What’s wrong Greggory Bad day at the Office? Constable Greggory Trask: Your going to sit there and make a remark like that I can see where your son gets his Defiance from. Jerimiah stands up and walks around his desk he now stands in front of Trask. Jerimiah Collins: Constable Trask! Remember who Brought you into the Leviathan it was me; so’ don’t you ever question my loyalty or my dedication to the group ever again! Constable Greggory Trask: I’m sorry; it’s just I got some bad news today. Jerimiah Collins: You mean about the Old seaside House; I’ve heard it burnt down; a tragic accident! Constable Greggory Trask: I don’t think it was! Jerimiah Collins: Why? Constable Greggory Trask: I just received word by Horse back today; Devlin has escaped from Windcliff! Did you hear me what I said? Jerimiah Collins: I heard you! Jerimiah walks back around and sits back down. Jerimiah Collins: So’ Lance has escaped from the Sanitarium; it doesn’t mean he’s back here! Constable Greggory Trask: I have had men searching the country ‘side for him and They have found nothing! Jerimiah Collins: And you think he burnt the old seaside house down after he escaped! I doubt it! Constable Greggory Trask: Either way! I’m going to continue to look’ into it; I’ll let you know if I find Lance or anything else about the fire. It is now Dark the Village of Collinsport have gone to sleep; but underneath the cover of Darkness there is still movement about for at Eagle Hill Cemetery is where we find Barnabas Collins who is approaching Ben stokes. Barnabas Collins: With me! Barnabas and Ben walk toward a Grave. There’s a name on the grave Ben reads the name. Ben Stokes: Naomi Collins! I new it would be here. Barnabas Collins: I’ve been coming here every night since her death! Ben Stokes: I know she was a fine woman Barnabas You think Jerimiah Killed her? Barnabas Collins: My mother knew better then to stand so close to that ledge on top Widows Hill; Her fall was no accident! Ben Stokes: Then Jerimiah Lied about arriving after she had already falling; He must have pushed her! Barnabas Collins: I agree! The Question is who can we trust outside of you and me? Ben Stokes: What about your father? Barnabas Collins: He knows! He believes as we do Mothers death was no accident! And then there was Uncle Lance’s disappearance. Ben Stokes: Why’ Why would Jerimiah kill your mother and cause a man like Lance Devlin to disappear. Barnabas Collins: Perhaps two deaths were two too many! Maybe he could kill them both without rousing more suspicion As to why he’s done this in the first place I haven’t a clue; Perhaps The Uncle I knew the one that Left here and come back aren’t the same person; But I ask you this Ben how can that really be? Ben Stokes: That is the question isn’t it. Meanwhile At the Old House we see a Large Room full of Rifle’s and Flintlock Pistol’s we see a hand grabs one of the Flintlock Pistol’s we see the hand loading the Pistol we then see them turn around and leave the room and walk down the hallway They come to a door we see the Person’s left hand turn the knob of the door; the door quietly comes open they walk toward the person’s bed and point the Pistol at the person’s face that Person being none other then Jerimiah Collins we turn now to see that it is Quentin Jerimiah’s son who is Holding the Pistol; tears begin to come from Quentin’s eyes. Re begins to walk backwards backing up to the door he came in he gets to the doorway and closes the door and walks away; having not pulled the trigger Quentin walks back down the hallway. Saturday April 1st April Fools day; It is a Cold Cloudy morning in the town of Collinsport; It is the day before the wedding of Barnabas Collins and Josette Dupree. We see Jerimiah and Barnabas riding in a Carriage together on their way to the Work. Jerimiah Collins: I must say Barnabas for a man who is getting Married tomorrow you look as cool as a Cucumber. Barnabas Collins: Well! That’s what Loves does to you; doesn’t it? When you Married Aunt Laura were you sure that is who you wanted to be with? Jerimiah Collins: I wasn’t sure of anything Barnabas you have ‘to remember my Marriage was arranged; Don’t get me wrong I did grow too love your aunt Laura and then we had Quentin. Barnabas Collins: She died giving birth to him! Jerimiah Collins: Yes! Such a tragic death. Barnabas Collins: That’s way you went away three years ago; I’m sorry I’m not trying to impose. Jerimiah Collins: Me going way was the best thing for not just me but our family my only regret is Quentin’s wild ways! We now see the Carriage stop and the two men get out of it the then walk toward the Office; Jerimiah gets to the first door and Unlocks it; he opens the door and then Gets to the second door and Unlocks it while Barnabas sits down at his desk Jerimiah Open the door to his office and goes in. Barnabas Opens his top dresser and Pulls out the scroll from yesterday a scroll for Captain Nathan Forbes good; a scroll Nathan as yet to sign. Barnabas Collins: I wonder when Captain Forbes will come in? But Jerimiah Doesn’t answer. Barnabas Collins: Uncle Jerimiah! But Jerimiah does not answer Barnabas’ Barnabas then gets up and walks around his Desk he enters His Uncle’s office to see his Uncle standing there looking at his desk. Barnabas Collins: Uncle Jerimiah? Jerimiah Collins: The desk. Barnabas Looks at the Desk to see a hand completely stripped of its skin on His Uncles desk laying right beside the hand is a Military sword. Barnabas Looks around he sees the window to his Uncles office is open. Barnabas Collins: Whom ever did this must’ve came in threw the window. Jerimiah turns to see the Open window. Jerimiah Collins: Barnabas! Would you please go and get the Constable and tell him; we have a murder on our hands. Barnabas Collins: Of’ Course. Barnabas Exits his Uncles office he then grabs his wolfs head cane and then walks out of the Collins fishing company; as he walks across town toward ‘the Constable’s office Barnabas begins to think to himself. Barnabas Collins: I remember when mother died you and Constable Trask were so quick to rule her death a suicide; and now you panic when see a skeleton Hand and a sword; do you know who it belongs Too? Finally! Barnabas gets to the Constables office he enters the Office. Constable Gregory Trasks: Barnabas! How can I help you? Barnabas Collins: There is something very strange in my Uncles office he thinks you should see. So’ Constable Trask and Barnabas Leave his office and walk back toward Jerimiah’s office. They get back to the Collins fishing fleet and go inside the Constable walks into Jerimiah’s Office. Constable Trask Looks at the Hand and the sword next to it he can see the steel of the sword is covered in black Ash. Constable Greggory Trask: Do you have any idea of who the hand or sword belong to? Jerimiah Collins: No! None! Constable Greggory Trask: I see the window is open explains how someone put this here the question is who? Meanwhile High on top Widows Hill sits the New Mansion which will become the new Collinwood as soon as Barnabas and Josette Move into it; We see Mattresses being brought for the Bedroom there is already furniture in The drawing room a Couch a small sofa and three lounge chairs; sitting in one of those chair sitting now the fireplace Is Quentin Collins; We see him staring at the empty fireplace which will soon be filled with freshly split logs. Quentin Collins: What am I to do; I can’t very well kill my own father can I? Nathan did have intension of killing me; did father really send him to do that or was he acting on his own behalf? Just then a voice calls out to Quentin. Dr. Joshua Collins: Quentin! Quentin turns His head. Quentin Collins: Uncle Joshua! Joshua who is standing at the doorway of the drawing room enters ‘into the drawing room at sit down on another chair across from Quentin. Dr. Joshua Collins: Quentin are you alright? Quentin Collins: Who me? Of ‘course why wouldn’t I be? Dr. Joshua Collins: You just look lost is all; like you don’t know what to do; you know that I’m here Barnabas is here if you need to talk! Quentin Collins: Tomorrow’s the big day the wedding! Surely dear Uncle you have more important matters to attend to then me! Dr. Joshua Collins: Not at this moment; come on what’s bothering you? Quentin Collins: Uncle Joshua If someone tried to kill you and you thought someone had sent that person what would do? Dr. Joshua Collins: I would ask the person who sent my killer why they wanted me dead? Quentin Collins: You’re a brave man Uncle a lot braver ‘then I’ll ever be. Dr. Joshua Collins: Its not a matter of Bravery it’s a matter of Pride! For if someone sent someone to kill me it means they weren’t man enough to do it themselves; and I’d like to think I’ve earned more respect then that! Joshua stands up. Dr. Joshua Collins: Well I got to go and make sure my suit fits for tomorrow you will be attending the wedding; won’t you? Quentin Collins: Uncle Joshua I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world! Meanwhile across the Collins Estate we see Upstairs in a bath tube is Josette Angelique is helping her bath. Josette Dupree: Just think Angelique Tomorrow I’ll be Mrs. Collins! Me and Barnabas will head into the new house after our wedding and we will make Love. Angelique: I’m so happy for you my Josette. Josette Dupree: Angelique Listen I want you to stay on with me as my servant you can stay with us in the new house; its plenty big enough. Angelique: Thank you! Josette you don’t know how much that means to me! But as Angelique ‘smiles she begins to think about the mark on Jerimiah’s wrist and the mark on Andre Dupree’s wrist the mark of the Leviathan. Angelique begins to think to herself. Angelique: I must protect Josette from these creatures. Josette Dupree: Angelique’ Angelique! Just then Angelique snaps out of it. Josette Dupree: Will you help me get out of the tub? Angelique: But of Course. Angelique lays one towel on the floor and then helps Josette out of the tube as she does This she looks up and down Josette’s body but there is no snake mark; no mark of the Leviathan. Josette Dupree: Angelique are you checking out my body? Angelique: Oh’ um’ well! Yes! and it’s a very nice body you’ll have many children! Both women begin Laughing. We are now in Josette’s room and Josette as a Lavender and green dress on Angelique enters her room. Angelique: Josette! Josette turns Toward Angelique. Josette Dupree: Yes! Angelique reveals a shiny Golden necklace with a rose hanging at the end of it. Josette Dupree: Is that for me? Angelique: Only if you promise to wear it and never take it off! Josette Dupree: But of course. Angelique puts the necklace on Josette. Josette and Angelique watch the necklace shine in the mirror. Josette Dupree: Its so Lovely! Thank Angelique I will always look at this as a symbol of our friendship. Meanwhile Back in the Town of Collinsport we see Constable Greggory Trask Talking to Jerimiah and Barnabas. Jerimiah Collins: You can’t be sure who’s hand that is; and to Jump to the conclusion its Captain Forbes is Absurd. Constable Greggory Trask: Is it? Barnabas when’s the last time you saw Captain Forbes? Barnabas Thinks about the Constables Question. Barnabas Collins: I haven’t seen the Captain since he came on Land. Greggory Trask: Funny neither have I. Barnabas Collins: Perhaps his crew has seen him. Jerimiah Collins: Barnabas would you go and check? Barnabas nods his head Yes and Walks out of his Uncles office and out of the office of the Collins Fishing fleet as he begins walking down the long Pier; we see Jerimiah and Greggory talking. Constable Greggory Trask: So’ Now what? Jerimiah Collins: I have some news for you Jerimiah I’ve already spoken to Nathan’s crew they haven’t seen him either; Do you know what that means? Jerimiah Collins: It means someone has murdered a member of the Leviathan but why? Constable Greggory Trask: Oh’ Come off it! We both know this is Lance’s work! Jerimiah Collins: I’m not so sure! Constable Greggory Trask: And why’s that? Jerimiah Collins: Not here! I’ll meet in your office later. Just then Barnabas Comes back into the building and then into Jerimiah’s office. Barnabas Collins: Uncle I’ve spoken to Jerimiah’s men they said they haven’t seen him since they reached Collinsport; Constable Trask one of his men said they had already told you this earlier. Constable Greggory Trask: Oh’ That’s Right! Sorry Men it must ‘of slipped my mind. The sun is beginning to set on Collinsport and as it ‘does we see Quentin Collins still sitting by the fireplace in the new House. He finally gets up; He then walks out of the Drawing as does here a clock chime Nine times; We then see Quentin Open the double doors of the new house and as he walks out he closes the doors behind him; he then walks across the Collins estate but as he does Quentin can feel as if eyes are watching him He comes to a stop. Quentin Collins: Hello! Is anyone there; but there is no answer to his call; Quentin waits for another minute for an answer and once one isn’t giving; he continues walking toward the Old Collinwood Mansion he walks through the thick woods the separate both houses from each ‘others view point we see Quentin going through the woods and Just then he hears a sound its sounds like someone else walking through the woods; he hears the sound of small tree limbs Moving as if someone else is out there. Quentin Collins: Hello! I said Hello I know someone’s out here! Answer me! But there is no Answer; So’ Quentin Continues walking and finally he makes it through the woods and gets to the front door of the Old House; He reaches for the Knob and turns it the Door comes open The Door he walks into the Foyer and closes the door behind him; Quentin then walks up the stairs he get to the top of the stairs and walks toward His Room he reaches for the door knob to his room he notices the door isn’t all the way shut that there is indeed a crack in the door Quentin then touches the door to his room and it comes open he walks in his room and then closes the door; he the approaches his dresser and opens the second drawer; at the bottom of that Drawer is a small hole just enough to fit your pinky finger in; so’ Quentin sticks his Pinky finger in the hole; with the slightest pull the Bottom of the Drawer comes up; Quentin Looks at the secret compartment. Quentin Collins: Is gone! Quentin lets the secret Panel down and closes the Drawer; Quentin’s eyes tell a story of shock. Quentin Collins: Where did it ‘go and it surely didn’t get up and walk away someone stole The Pistol a loaded Pistol but Who? Meanwhile ‘In the Town of Collinsport inside the Constables office our Leviathan Members Greggory Trask and Jerimiah Collins. Constable Greggory Trask: You want to explain to me why you don’t think it was Lance who may have Murdered Captain Forbes? Jerimiah Collins: Tell me something Greggory how many People have you recruited? Greggory Trask: Well I have recruited all three of my Junio Constables’ Jackson Davis’ Harry Freemont and Angus Larson are all now members of the Leviathan; But I don’t see what that Question has to do with Nathan. Jerimiah Collins: Because I think Nathan was killed by someone he tried to recruit! Greggory eyes go wide. Constable Greggory Trask: Then that is someone who know about the Leviathan! Jerimiah Collins: No! I don’t believe that to be the case for surely if they did instead of burning Nathans ‘body they would’ve exposed his mark! Constable Greggory Trask: But why would Nathan worry about adding someone he wasn’t sure of? Jerimiah Collins: Nathan has been wanting a recruit of his own he has never had one; and to my Knowledge he only mentioned one name; My Son Quentin! Constable Greggory Trask: He’s your son! So’ how do you want this Played? Jerimiah Collins: I want you to arrest someone anyone who isn’t associated with my family; will pin it on someone no one will miss! Greggory smiles. Constable Greggory Trask: I have someone in mind! Sunday April 2nd Easter Sunday: We see the sun begin to peak out from the earth the light is dim’ as it rises each patch of Darkness begins to disappear the sun’s rays begin to touch the tress the Birds are beginning to arrive back from the south we heard them chirping as if there were singing on this Easter Sunday; We see a Bird Flying toward the Old Collinwood Mansion We see a window on the second floor opening the Bird the Ledge of the open window; Just then a Hand covered in white silk hold there finger out we go up this persons hand to see a while silk gown we then see the persons face; It is the blushing Bride to be; It is Josette Dupree. Josette Dupree: Look Angelique a Blue Bird! Angelique walks over in her Emerald Green dress. Angelique: Its time to Go! Wait why aren’t you wearing the necklace I gave you? Josette Dupree: It didn’t look right with the ‘dress but I promise I’ll put it back on after the wedding! The Blue Bird fly’s away; Josette shuts her Window; Meanwhile at the Church The Guest have all Arrived And Barnabas along with His Father Joshua’ His best man Quentin’ His Uncle Jerimiah Collins and Barnabas Best friend Ben Stokes; standing at the head of the Alter is Father Lamont Hanson. All ‘of a sudden; They hear Horses approaching We The! Hoofbeats of the horses grow louder and Louder with each step then we heard the driver say Whoa! Just then Father Hanson turns toward the Organ Player; We see young Sarah Collins walking down the Isle all dressed in a Purple Cotton Dress; Sara is carrying a Wicker Basket full of white Pedals white Easter Lilly Pedals she lays them on the floor of the church as she walks up the Isle with Angelique walking beside her. Sarah and Angelique come to the end of the Alter Angelique along with three other servants stand on Josette’s side; Then Father Hanson gives the Cue and the Organ Player begins to play here comes the bride. The church full of natives sons and daughters of Collinsport stand and look on; Just then Josette stands and the entrance way the since Just begins to rise as if it were only meant for her; the shine shines on Josette causing her white dress to shine a white light the church ooh’s over How Lovely Josette Looks at Barnabas as she and her father begin walking down the ‘Isle. She walks ever so slowly her While vail unable to hide her smile her ever so Beautiful smile; Finally! Josette reaches the head of the Alter and her father lets her go Josette and Barnabas Join Hands and the Organ Music stops. Father Lamont Hanson: Dearly beloved! We gathered on this day; this Easter Sunday to Bring Together two family’s The Collins Family of Collinsport Maine’ Providence of Massachusetts and the Dupree Family ‘Of Martinique France; Do either of you any vows? Barnabas Collins: I do father. Father Hanson nods his head. Barnabas Collins: When I first saw you I was so unsure of myself; I thought about how unworthy I was to even approach you; But when I saw you smile I knew I had to try; and I did Josette I promise that no matter what even if the world its self; tried to keep us apart I would find you again even if I had to go through time its self I would find you! Father Lamont Hanson: Do you have the ring? We see Barnabas reach into his coat Pocket and pull out a solid gold Band with two Diamonds on it. Barnabas Puts the ring on Josette’s finger. Father Lamont Hanson: Repeat after me; With this ring I thee wed. Barnabas Collins: With this ring I thee wed’ I Take Thee Josette to Have and to Hold’ For Rich or pour in Sickness and ‘he health till death due us Part. Father Lamont Hanson: Do you Barnabas Collins Take Josette to be your loathly wedded wife? Barnabas Collins: I Do! Father Lamont Hanson: And do you Josette Take Barnabas Collins to be your Husband? Josette Dupree: I Do! If Father Lamont Hanson: If anyone should show cause as to why these two should not be Wed; Let them speak Now or forever Hold their Peace. The church is silent not a single soul speaks out against the Marriage. Father Lamont Hanson: Then by the Power vested the commonwealth of Maine Providence of the state of Massachusetts I now pronounce you man and wife; you may kiss the bride! Barnabas Lifts Josette’s Vail and the two Kiss! Everyone claps and cheers As they turn to go down the Isle there is a Man dressed all in white standing ate the end of the Isle While Barnabas Waves at the crowd Josette sees the man raise a Flintlock Pistol that very Pistol aimed right at Barnabas Josette leaps as the Pistol fires the round ball lodges in Josette’s chest knocking into Barnabas; Not really realizing what as happen Barnabas catches her in his arms Barnabas Falls to his knees with Josette in his arms. Barnabas Collins: Josette! Josette! Father! Joshua Comes down the Isle he looks to where the Bullet got Josette; Her Breathing just stops. Dr. Joshua Collins: Barnabas! I’ I’m so sorry! Barnabas Looks up the person who pulled the trigger none other then Lance Devlin! Lance Devlin: Now Jerimiah lets see you grow the Leviathan people! Lance turns and runs out of the Church Angelique comes beside Josette she looks down at her falling friend a ‘women who as been like a sister to her; Tears begins to come from Angelique’s eyes she bends down and Touches Josette’s face. Meanwhile we see Andre Dupree look at Jerimiah. Andre Dupree: You told me everything would be alright once I joined! Jerimiah Collins: This is not the time! Angelique stands up and runs out of the Church Quentin excuses himself and runs after her. Barnabas Is on his knees holding Josette’s lifeless body tears are coming from his eyes. Barnabas Collins: Why? But there is no answer anyone can really give Barnabas so once again silence falls over the church; We then see Little Sarah come down the Isle she stops and stand beside her brother and father. Sarah Collins: Barnabas! Barnabas Looks at his little sister; he then extends his right arm and Pulls her in! They are both crying! It is Now midday and we see a Horse Pulling a wagon inside the Wagon an oak wooden coffin the color light brow; We now see Barnabas’ Joshua’ Sarah’ Jerimiah and Ben Stokes sitting at the new House. Barnabas sits in a chair Holding his cane ever so tightly not saying a word. Just then the door comes open entering the house is Andre Dupree; Andre closes the door behind him and enters the Drawing Room. Andre Dupree: The Coffin is almost here! No one responds to Andre some ‘sit and some are standing there in Silence. Finally! Joshua Speaks. Dr. Joshua Collins: Barnabas! It wasn’t your fault! Barnabas Looks up at his father he then stands up. Barnabas Collins: How isn’t my fault? The bullet was meant for me. Dr. Joshua Collins: I’m not trying to upset you further! I Just. Barnabas Interrupts his father. Barnabas Collins: Then Just don’t talk because talking about Josette’s death is more ‘then frustrating its infuriating.! Sarah Collins: Barnabas! Barnabas turns and shouts. Barnabas Collins: What? Causing Sarah to Jump; Tears come from her eyes. Sarah Collins: I Loved Josette too! It may have not been the same way you loved her but still just the same. Barnabas Bends down ‘and hugs his sister. Barnabas Collins: I know! Finally! the wagon carrying the coffin arrives at Collinwood. Jerimiah Collins: There’s the Undertaker! Barnabas stands up. Barnabas Collins: My ‘self ‘father and Josette’s father will carry her coffin. Barnabas Walks upstairs and goes toward the west wing; he comes to the last room on the left he reaches down with his right hand and turns the knob and pushes the door Open; Barnabas walks into the room he stands by the Bed and then Bends Down and speaks to Josette’s Corpse. Barnabas Collins: I know you weren’t ‘Royalty but you made me; feel like a Married a Princess. Barnabas Kisses Josette’s lips for the Last time He Sets his cane down and Picks up Josette’s Lifeless body and begins carrying her; We see Barnabas carry Josette out of the room and then down the long Hallway he walks and walks until finally he comes to the top of the stair case that overlooks the foyer; We see Joshua’ Jerimiah’ Ben and Sarah staring up at Barnabas; Just then Ben walks over to the doors and opens them ; Barnabas then begins coming down the Stairs with each step he takes we see the family members faces; A sad distant look across each member of the Collins family and Andre Dupree. Watch as Barnabas finally reaches the bottom of the stair case He then walks toward the entrance way and walks out of the House; Joshua’ Jerimiah and Sarah follow behind him we see Ben and the Undertaker Lift the casket off the wagon and onto the ground the lift the coffin lid. Inside the Lid white Lining and soft white Pellow ; Barnabas lays Josette’s lifeless body in the coffin ever so gentle; With Josette’s Body now in the coffin Barnabas Stands there staring at Josette’s lifeless body; He puts his hand on top of the lid and shuts it; The Ben stokes goes around to the other side as does Andre Dupree; Barnabas father Joshua stands beside him; all four men grab the coffin and lift it off the ground the set the coffin on the wooden surface of the wagon and push the coffin in. with Josette’s coffin safely on the wagon Barnabas turns to his sister Sarah and extends his hand; Sarah still in her dress; Yes the same dress she wore at the wedding. Barnabas wraps his right arm around his sister and lifts her off the ground spin around while lifting her in the air he sets her down on the surface of the wagon; We then see Sarah walk to the end of the wagon and sit down; Barnabas climbs up next and sits next to his sister then Joshua climbs aboard and sits beside his son and Daughter. Then Ben stokes climbs aboard and sits on the other side and finally Jerimiah climbs aboard and sits across from his other family member; We see The Undertaker climbs aboard and take the Reigns of the snaps the reigns commanding the Horse to Move Forward; Meanwhile we see Quentin running through the open fields of the Collins Estate looking around for Angelique. Quentin Hollers for her. Quentin Collins: Angelique! Angelique! where are you? Quentin now stops and Looks around; But he does not see Her! He continues walking on the grounds. Finally Quentin Comes to the woods; Quentin knows if he goes through these woods he either wind up at the old house or Widows Hill; So’ Quentin goes into the woods; Meanwhile at Eagle Hill Cemetery we see the wagons as already made it to the cemetery We see a freshly dug grave; we then see Josette’s casket being lowered down into the grave; We see Barnabas use a shovel as he begins to throw dirt over Josette’s casket As Ben goes to help; Barnabas yells. Barnabas Collins: She’s my wife! I’ll do it! Ben Stokes: Alright Barnabas you do it then! Dr. Joshua Collins: Thank you for offering Ben! We see Barnabas Continue to shovel shirt over Josette’s Grove; Undertaker: Sir! So’ you know the stone maker will arrive with her Tombstone tonight! Barnabas finally finishes Filling in the grave he falls to his Knees; Joshua goes to walk toward Barnaba; but Barnabas turns and shouts at them all. Barnabas Collins: Leave me! Please just leave me Alone! Joshua holds Sarah’s hand. Dr. Joshua Collins: Come sorry let’s go back to the old house Barnabas will summon us when he’s ready! So’ Joshua’ Sarah and Jerimiah begin walking back to the Old House. All the while Ben Stokes still stands there looking at his best friend knelt ‘down by his wife’s grave. Barnabas Collins: You heard what I said Ben! Ben Stokes: That I did; but I’m not leaving Barnabas you anyone who’s so blinded by anger to see he’s destroying his own family is going to need a friend! Through the woods we see Quentin Collins he finally gets through the woods an onto Widows Hill Quentin Looks And who does he see standing by the Cliff a Blonde ‘haired woman who he can only assume is Angelique. Quentin Collins: Angelique! Angelique: She’s gone! Josette she’s gone! I failed her! Quentin Collins: Its not your fault; you couldn’t have predicted what would happen! Angelique turns around and steps Forward; with tears coming from her eyes her fist clinched and shaken. Angelique: I Disagree it is someone’s fault! Its that Leviathan Loving family of yours fault and I Promise Thee this you will all suffer for this; her life meant more to me then my own! Quentin Collins: There’s nothing we can do; we didn’t pull that trigger! Angelique: You all pulled Trigger to me! By the darkness of night! the absence of light I summon two creatures of Darkness it will be these two creatures who will destroy your family Quentin and those two creatures will be you and your Cousin Barnabas! Quentin Collins: Your Mad! Angelique: I am not Mad I assure you I am in my right from of Mind! Angelique takes step back toward the cliff. Angelique: A spell like the one I have just cast requires a sacrifice and I have nothing left to live for; Your Cousin will be attacked as soon as the sun goes down; and you my dear Quentin will be attacked when the moon is hanging high into the night sky; for tonight the moon will be full by this I command you to come! Angelique closes her eyes and falls back her feet come off the ground and begins to fail; Quentin runs toward the end of the cliff and stops he watches as Angelique’s body smacks against the jagged rock below! Quentin Collins: Oh’ my God! Quentin turns and runs toward where he thinks his family might Be; Eagle Hill Cemetery! We are now at the Old House and we see Joshua’ Sarah’ Jerimiah and Andre Dupree coming into the house! They then go into the drawing room Joshua sits down and Pulls out his Pipe he then reaches in his other Pocket and pulls out his pouch of Tabaco He ours some Tabaco in his Pipe He then stops pouring the Tabaco and ties the Pouch and puts it back into his coat Pocket; He pulls a match from that same pocket and lights it with by striking the head of the match with his finger; He stands up as he Lights the Pipe he walks over toward the fireplace he waves the match putting out the flame and then throws the match into the already light fireplace. Sarah turn toward her father who is facing the fireplace. Sarah Collins: Father! Do you think Barnabas will be alright? Joshua and turns and faces the room. Dr. Joshua Collins: He just needs time! That’s all! All of a ‘sudden we hear a knock on the doors of the Old House. Jerimiah walks to the door and Enters the House. Jerimiah Collins: Dr. Avery! Dr. Franchise Avery: May I come in? Jerimiah Collins: Of’ Course! Franchise enters the house and Jerimiah closes the door behind him; Franchise enters the drawing room he extends his hand to Joshua. Dr. Joshua Collins: Franchise! Joshua extends his hand back and the two old friends shake hands. Dr. Franchise Avery: Joshua its all over the village about Josette’s death I just came to give my deepest Sympathies! Dr. Joshua Collins: Thank you! Franchise! How did surgery go today? Dr. Franchise Avery: Very well! Mrs. Atwater gave both too twins one boy one girl. Dr. Joshua Collins: That’s wonderful News! Look Franchise would you mind staying for a couple day the family could use good company! Dr. Franchise Avery: So’ Where’s Barnabas? Dr. Joshua Collins: He’s at Josette’s grave. Meanwhile we see the Tombstone of Josette Collins being put at the head of her burial sit! Barnabas Collins: I swear if it’s the last thing I do I will Avenge Thee! Barnabas stands Up and Begins to walk away Ben fellow behind his friend; Just then Quentin sees them walking away. Quentin Collins: Barnabas’ Ben! Quentin Hollers for the two men but they continue to walk away. Quentin gives chase running after them; Meanwhile in the Town of Collinport we see some Horses Right outside the Eagle Bar we’ see a Hand reaching for one of the Horses Reigns But as this hand reaches for those Reigns; we hear Constable Greggory Trask. Constable Greggory Trask: Freeze Lance! We see the man turn and it is indeed Lance Devlin; Lance see Greggory Holding a Pistol on him; we then see Constable Trask men surround Lance; Lance Puts his hands into the air and Constable Trask arrest him; Meanwhile we the Sun Beginning to set as Barnabas Collins’ Ben Stokes and Quentin Collins get to the door of the New Collinwood Mansion As Barnabas reaches for the Door knob Quentin can’t help but look at the sun and think of Angelique’s final words. Quentin doesn’t even notice Barnabas and Ben have already went into the house and walked into the drawing room. Quentin walks into the house and closes the doors he walks into the drawing room. Quentin Collins: Barnabas! We need to talk! Barnabas Collins: About what! Quentin Collins: I Killed Nathan! Barnabas looks at him?! Barnabas Collins: I can’t believe you could even bring yourself to killing another man! Quentin Collins: He had made me an offer about Joining my father’s special group he had some sort of snake like mark on his risk. Barnabas and Ben look at one another! Ben Stokes: I’ll be Dammed! So’ this whole time Captain Forbes was apart of it to. Barnabas Collins: I’m guessing you refused his offer! Quentin nods hos head yes! Quentin Collins: That’s why he tried to kill me; but he’s gun jammed; I threw my drink in his face and pulled his sword from his belt and killed him! And as they say the rest is history. Barnabas Collins: Me and Ben have been trying to figure out how many members; there are of your father’s group! Quentin Collins: There’s something else! Barnabas Angelique she’s! Barnabas Collins: Go on! Quentin Collins: She’s dead! She jumped from Widows Hill! Ben Stokes: My God! Barnabas Collins: Pour creature she didn’t deserve such a fate! Quentin Collins: Barnabas what did you know about Josette’s Servant? Barnabas Collins: Not much I’m afraid why do you ask? Quentin Collins: She said some words about cursing us you and me and then she Jumped. Ben Stokes: A Spell of some sorts; Only a witch can cast a spell! Barnabas Collins: Surely you don’t expect more to take that threat seriously! Quentin Collins: I don’t know all I know is the sun is about to go down and she said you will be first as soon as the sun set! Barnabas Look out the window as the sun lowers sinking down into the ocean tit is now Dark! Barnabas smiles. He turns away from the window and looks at Quentin. Barnabas Collins: You worried over nothing; Just then the Glass Break something latches on to Barnabas neck; The fangs of the creature bit down hard on the neck of Barnabas Collins its wings flap. Ben Stokes: Bat a Bat!! Barnabas falls backwards hitting the Drawing room floor The Bat lets go and as quickly as it came it leaves. Ben bends down he sees two small puncture marks on Barnabas neck; with blood coming out of Barnabas neck the Blood is coming quicker and quicker the blood is now a small pool on the floor ben pull a white handkerchief from his Pocket he then presses it against the wound on Barnabas neck. Ben then turns to Quentin. Ben Stokes: Quick go and get Dr. Collins! Quentin Turns and runs out of the drawing room he then gets to the double doors he grabs the knobs an open the door he then runs out of the Mansion and across the Estate; Quentin Runs and Runs. Meanwhile in the town of Collinsport at the local Jail we see Constable Greggory Trask slams the jail cell shut on Lance Devlin. Constable Greggory Trask: Now you won’t be murdering anyone else; will you? Lance Devlin: Don’t worry Greggory when I ‘die I’ll be sure to save you a seat in hell! Constable Greggory Trask: I’m not an unreasonable man Lance! If you confess the murder of Nathan and Josette! I’ll ask for mercy and try and see that you don’t hang! Lance Devlin: I’d rather hang by the neck then back in that Mental Hospital; Besides I didn’t kill Nathan! Meanwhile back at Collinwood at the old house we see Dr, Joshua Collins and Dr. Franchise Avery sitting down talking with young Sarah. Just then Quentin comes Bursting through the door and into the Drawing room; Dr. Collins and Dr. Avery stand up. Dr. Joshua Collins: Quentin! What’s wrong? Quentin Collins: Uncle Joshua! Its Barnabas he’s been attacked by an animal! He ‘bleeding very badly! Sarah Collins: Barnabas! Joshua and Franchise look at one another. Dr. Franchise Avery: I’ll come with you. Quentin Collins’ Dr’ Joshua Collins’ Dr’ Franchise Avery and Sarah Collins follow Quentin when they go ‘outside they go to the stable and get their horses. Joshua sees Sarah. Dr. Joshua Collins: Sarah! You can’t come. Sarah Collins: If you leave me here! I’ll just walk to the New House. Dr. Joshua Collins: Sarah with me Quentin with Dr. Avery! So’ With Joshua and Sarah on one horse and Franchise and Quentin on one horse they ride their horses across the Collins estate. All the while we see Ben begin applying more and more Pressure to Barnabas wound. Ben Stokes: Hold on Barnabas! Barnabas Looks at his friend Ben. Barnabas Collins: I’m sorry old friend. Barnabas say very faintly! Ben Stokes: I’m not going to let you die on my old friend not without a fight! Just then Ben hears ‘the sound of Horses; We Then see Joshua Burt through the door as Does Dr. Avery Dr. Joshua Collins: Ben what happen? Ben Stokes: A Bat sure; a bat crash through that window at attacked Barnabas; Bit him on the neck. Joshua takes off his coat as Does Dr. Avery. Dr. Joshua Collins: Quentin We need alcohol there should be some stored in the kitchen is was for Barnabas and Josette’s wedding please go get it. Sarah! I need you to go up stair on the third door to the right is a pantry that has towels get at least three of them! Ben who is still Holding a Handkerchief against Barnabas’s Neck. Dr. Joshua Collins: Ben! Ben! Ben looks at Joshua. Dr. Joshua Collins: I need you to move that Handkerchief so we can see the wound. Ben removes the Handkerchief and as he does Joshua and Franchise see the two Puncher Marks on Barnabas’s neck as more blood starts running out of the wound; Just then Dr. Avery reaches in his coats Pocket and Pulls out a scarf. Dr. Franchise Avery: Here Ben! I want you to wrap that around his neck and tie it will need to move him. Ben takes the scarf and does as Dr. Avery ask. Dr. Joshua Collins: Ben go up to the first room on the left and open the door; Franchise you get his legs! Franchise grabs Barnabas’s Legs while Joshua gets his body and head. The two longtime friends and doctors carry the Body of Barnabas Collins out of the drawing room and up the stairs; we then see Ben stokes open the first door to the left inside the door is a large bed; Ben walks in the room and then we see Dr. Collins Walking in backwards holding his sons head and Dr. Avery walks in forward carrying Barnabas’s legs. The lay him on the Bed and then we see Joshua remove the scarf. Dr. Joshua Collins: The bleeding as stopped. Just then we see Quentin Collins coming out of the kitchen. We Hear Ben Stokes holler. Ben Stokes: Quentin where upstairs; Quentin carrying two bottle of brandy walks ‘up the stairs we then see Sarah carrying three towel she hands Ben the towels. Quentin comes into the room he hands Dr. Franchise Avery the bottles of Brandy; Dr. Avery sets one bottle down and opens the other. He takes one of the Towel and pours a little bandy on it he then presses the towel against the open wound. Dr. Avery does this several more times we then see Dr. Collins taking gauze and wrapping it around Barnabas’s Neck. Quentin Collins: Now what? Dr. Joshua Collins: Now we replace his blood; As Dr. Collins rolls up his sleeve Dr. Avery objects. Dr. Franchise Avery: Not this time Joshua; I might need you and I can’t have you dizzy from giving blood; Quentin Roll up your sleeve please! Quentin Rolls up Sleeve; Through out the night Barnabas reject the blood his neck begins losing more and more blood They end up stopping the bleeding again and wrapping more Gauze around his neck. We see Joshua and Franchise walk out the room. Dr. Franchise Avery: I don’t know what to say; Joshua I’ve never seen anything like this! Dr. Joshua Collins: He’s lost almost every ounce of blood! yet he lays there and breaths. Dr. Franchise Avery: We’ll have to let him rest! Joshua nods his head in agreement. Joshua and Franchise walk back in the room. Dr. Joshua Collins: We need to let Barnabas rest now! Sarah who is sitting in a chair. Sarah Collins: I’m not leaving him! Joshua looks at Sarah! Sarah Collins: You heard me! I’m not leaving him I’ll watch him! Dr. Franchise Avery: Well! If your up for it. Joshua walks over and bends down in front of his Daughter. Dr. Joshua Collins: If you notice any change in him holler and ‘me and Dr. Avery will be here in a flash. Sarah Collins: Because you’ll be in the next room father! Joshua smiles. Dr. Joshua Collins: That’s right so’ Joshua’ Quentin and Ben leave the room. Ben Stokes: I’ll be in that room. Quentin Collins: I’ll go back to the old house and tell father. Quentin goes downstairs and goes to the door of the Mansion he reaches for the nob and turns the nob and Open the door he walks out and shuts the door behind him; As Quentin walks through the night Air he doesn’t even bother looking up for if he did he would see the shine light of the Full Moon! He begins walking across the Estate walking and walking then he hears it a load Howl! He stops and Looks he hears it again. Quentin Collins: Too Hell with you Angelique! Then Quentin hears growling it seems to be all around him then Quentin sees a Dark Hairy beast with Yellow eye sharp teeth and razor sharp claws the beast leaps at Quentin its right claw catches his face and the beast begins to thrash Quentin’s body Clothes and blood fly it happens so fast Quentin can’t even scream! Monday April 3rd 1795; We see the Sun as come up over The small Fishing Village of Collinsport The sun Now shines on the estate of The Collins family. We Now see Quentin Collins laying on the ground his shirt completely torn off he begins to move. Quentin Collins: So’ Warm that Sun! Just then Quentin’s eyes come open he sits up and looks around him; he looks at him self his clothes torn but his skin is completely intact not one scratch. Quentin Collins: All My Good! Quentin gets up and runs toward the Old House; Meanwhile Inside the Old House we see Jerimiah Collins and Andre Dupre having Coffee. Jerimiah Collins: I Understand your daughter has died I know how traumatic you feel but you can’t back out now! Andre Dupree: Why not? Jerimiah Collins: Trust me Andre; The Leviathan are not the kind of People you say no too! Andre takes a sip of his coffee. Andre Dupre: Fine we’ll keep our agreement. Just then Quentin burst through the door and into the Drawing room. Quentin Collins: Father you half too help me please! Jerimiah Collins: What the hell as happen to your clothes? Quentin grabs his father by the shirt. Quentin Collins: You’ve got to help me! For when the moon is full! I’ll change do you hear me? Just then Something hits Quentin in the back of the head knocking him to the floor and out cold; It was Andre Dupree he hit Quentin with a Slapjack. Jerimiah Collins: Thank you! Andre It looks like my son will be taking a trip. Meanwhile at the New Collinwood we see Sarah open her eyes at first the room is a bit blurry and slowly thing begin to clear up! She looks at her Brother and first she doesn’t see him even moving; she steps closer and closer and then she screams! Sarah’s scream causes Joshua to sit up and get right out of bed he runs to his door and opens it and runs across the hallway just beating Dr. Avery to Barnabas’s room; Joshua now stands over his sons body; Barnabas’s skin is a greyish color his lips our Purple Joshua begins Pushing on his sons chest. Dr. Joshua Collins: Come one son! Joshua pushes on his son’s chest some more he then gives him mouth to mouth. Dr. Joshua Collins: Come on! Again; and again; Joshua repeats this process he even closes his fist and hits his son’s chest as hard as he can. Dr. Joshua Collins: Don’t’ Don’t leave us! Tears begin to form in Joshua’s ‘eyes and he pushes on his son’s chest again. Dr. Franchise Avery: Joshua. But Joshua continue to push on his son’s chest. Dr. Franchise Avery: Dr. Joshua Collins! Joshua stops and looks at Franchise. Joshua then touches Barnabas neck and Searches for a Pulse he knows he won’t find. He Looks over at the clock on the counter. Dr. Joshua Collins: Time of death 9:15AM! Dr. Franchise: I concur time of death as 915am. Sarah Collins: No! Tears begins to come from Sarah’s eyes. Joshua walks around the bed and toward his daughter. Dr. Joshua Collins: Sarah I’m so sorry! Sarah smacks her father in the face/ Sarah Collins: You fix him! you hear me father; you’ve never lost a patient and your; not going to start now you hear me; you bring me brother back you’ you. Sarah puts her head into her father’s chest and screams and cry’s We see Ben Stokes who is now standing at the doorway. Ben walks over to his friend. Dr. Franchise Avery: Ben I’m sorry he’s gone! Ben Stokes: Barnabas! I’ll go into to town and fetch the Undertaker. Joshua opens his eyes. Dr. Joshua Collins: No that’s not what I want! Family and friends only no undertaker no towns people no one is to know he died! Ben Stokes: But why? Dr. Franchise Avery: Panic! If ‘we go saying he was killed by a bat they’ll want his body burned not buried! Ben Stokes: They’ll notice when Barnabas doesn’t come into The Village. Dr. Joshua Collins: I have a home in the London country’ side we say Barnabas went there to live. Sarah Collins: Father we have ‘to lie? Dr. Joshua Collins: They’ll destroy his body if we tell the truth. Sarah Nods her head with tears still running down her face. Dr, Joshua Collins: Ben! I want you to bring the Horses hear will put his body on the back and we’ll ride slowly to Eagle hill. Meanwhile in the town of Collinsport we see Quentin wrapped in a Straight Jacket sitting in the back of a wagon with three other men who are wearing white. Jerimiah Collins: I want you to know this is for your own good! Quentin Collins: Spare me father you’re not the man I once knew your nothing more then a snake; who will one day by beheaded; my only regret his I won’t be here to watch your body wither and die! Jerimiah smiles. And leans in a whisper’s to Quentin. Jerimiah Collins: Your mother didn’t die giving birth to you she died after when I smothered her with a pillow you see killing her was my first test! The wagon begins to move forward and as Quentin gives his father an angry look. Then Jerimiah walks over and goes into the Collins fishing fleet. Jerimiah Walk into his office and sits Down. Jerimiah Collins: Where did it all go wrong? Just then a cloaked figure appear the cloak is solid black with a black hood draped over their head. The Parson removes the black Hood and we see A Man with Jet Black hair he is clean shaves and his eyes are is black as coal. Jerimiah Collins: Sir! Jerimiah stands and walks around his desk and Kneels down. Jerimiah Collins: Oh’ what do I owe this visit Leviathan second Master Rumson. Sky Rumson: You can remove your lips from my ass Jerimiah your own self ‘centered ness as coast us this union. Jerimiah Collins: But you can’t blame this all on me> Sky Rumson: not only do I but our Master Judah Zachary himself holds you personally responsible for this mess! We are Pulling out of Collinsport! Jerimiah Collins: But why? There is still little Sarah surly she can become a recruit! Sky Rumson: No! She will not Join us in fact she is two dangers to even let live the child we believe the child to be blessed with the third eye your last act is to kill her! Jerimiah Collins: What happens when I kill her? Sky Rumson disappears. Jerimiah Collins Second Master Rumson! Tell me what is to become of me! Meanwhile We see Three Horses ‘At Eagle Hill Cemetery but not the new and crisp looking eastern end by the rundown western end of the cemetery they come upon a Mausoleum an Old Looking Mausoleum with the Name Curtis above It. We go inside the Mausoleum to see an already open door above the door a Lions head we now go inside and down a winding staircase at the end of the staircase is where we see an Open coffin. Ben Stokes: How did you know about this place Dr. Collins? Dr. Joshua Collins: Simple I’ belt this Place in case the British won the war; Thankfully that didn’t happen. We see the lifeless body of Barnabas Collins laying in the coffin. Dr. Franchise Avery: Goodbye Barnabas! Then we see Ben Stokes: Goodbye my dear friend! Then we see Sarah Collins: Goodbye brother! I Love you! We Now see Joshua standing over his Son’s Coffin He lays his sons wolfs head cane in his coffin beside him. Dr. Joshua Collins: Goodbye My Son! I Love you! Joshua closes the lid of the coffin and then they all ‘begins to ascend up the spiraling staircase; We Now see them Joshua reach up and pull the ring from inside the Lions mouth the secret stone door closes. Meanwhile we see Quentin being taking in a wagon wrapped in a ‘straightjacket to A mental Hospital a Mental on the edge of a town called Bangor which is in Maine a Mental Hospital called Windcliff! Meanwhile we see Joshua Collins’ Sarah Collins’ Ben Stokes and Dr. Franchise Avery enter the new Mansion. Dr. Joshua Collins: I’ll have it replaced by the end of today! He then turns to Ben and Dr. Avery. Dr. Joshua Collins: Me and Sarah are going to live in this House; and Ben I’d like you to live with us also Dr. Avery and his wife Miranda. and his Son Peter. Ben Stokes: I’m Honored t o Live with you Joshua. Dr. Franchise Avery: To even receive such an invite is truly an Honor I accept. Ben Stokes: As do I. Dr. Joshua Collins: Go and get your thing and your family me and Sarah will go and get some servants. Meanwhile in the Town of Collinsport We see Jerimiah Collins sitting at his desk filling out Papers. We here a Knock; on Jerimiah’s door. Jerimiah Collins: Enter! We then see Constable Greggory Trask: Good afternoon! Jerimiah Collins: Good afternoon! Constable Trask comes Closes Jerimiah’s door as he comes in. Constable Greggory Trask: I assume you received your last orders as well. Jerimiah Collins: Yes! Yes! I have. Constable Greggory Trask: I have received orders to make sure Lance Devlin Hangs! And then nothing ‘do you suppose they’ll let us Live? Jerimiah Collins: I honestly don’t know! Constable Greggory Trask: I have ‘too hang a Man who’s guilty of one crime the Murder of Josette Collins and Innocent of the other; Our dear Captain Nathan Forbes. Jerimiah Collins: Greggory I have murdered my wife’ My sister in Law and Now I have been told to murder a none ‘year Old girl. Constable Greggory Trask: Are you talking about Sarah you’re Niece? Jerimiah Collins: That I am. Constable Greggory Trask: But Why? Jerimiah Collins: You half too understand Greggory these people don’t need a reason; they tell you to Jump you simply ask how High! Constable Greggory Trask: She’s only a child! Jerimiah; I don’t envy your order; I Pity it! Jerimiah Collins: For the Leviathan Greggory no sacrifice is to great! Meanwhile Up at Collinwood at the new Mansion we see servant’s helping Ben Stokes along with Dr. Franchise Avery and His wife Miranda His Son Peter walks in the Mansion he passes the old grandfather clock and into the Drawing room where there are four men putting new glass in the drawing room window. Peter looks over the room and sees all the Portraits along the wall’ a Portrait of Isaac’ A Portrait of Joshua’ A Portrait of Jerimiah. Just then Peter looks at the Large Sofa and there he sees a Girl sitting reading a book; Her hair red her eyes dark. Peter walks up to the Girl. Peter Avery: Hello; Peter’s Irish accent Just like his Mother sounds a bit funny. Sarah can’t help but smirk. Peter Avery: I Know I sound a bit funny; Its because he was born in Ireland Like My Mother chose to have me in her Native country; But I guess that’s a little too much information; anyway I would really like for us to play together. Sarah’s smirk goes away. Sarah Collins: Though your voice does indeed amuse me; I do not wish to play? Peter Avery: My I ask why? Sarah Collins: Because I’m reading a book is why? Peter Avery: You’d rather be reading a book then outside having fun? Sarah Collins: Yes! Peter Avery: Is it because of your brother’s departure for London? I’ve always wanted to visit London it’s I heard from father that its a Beautiful City! Sarah closes her books and gets up off the coach and walks past Peter Avery. Pater Avery: Where are you Going? As Sarah Comes out of Drawing ‘room she sees a Portrait of her brother Barnabas Collins hanging in the Foyer; She walks over to it; Barnabas Is holding his wolfs head Cain grinning in the Picture. Sarah Collins: Barnabas! Don’t worry tonight I shall come visit you! What Sarah does not know; is that Peter is standing right behind her. Peter Avery: Can I Come? Sarah Turns around to See Peter standing in the foyer. Sarah Collins: Go Where? Peter Avery: To Where ‘ever it is your going tonight? Sarah Collins: No! You’re not Aloud! Peter Avery: Please Sarah. Sarah Collins: No! Peter Avery: I’ll Tell! Just then Joshua comes out of the kitchen. Dr. Joshua Collins; Tell What? Peter turns as he and Sarah both Stare at Joshua. Dr. Joshua Collins: Are you two fighting; that’s not nice. Peter Avery: I’m sorry Mr. Collins! It’s my fault I guess Sarah isn’t ready to play with me and I was sort of Being Pushy! Dr. Joshua Collins: I see! Alright then you too try not to fight ok. Sarah Collins: Yes Father! Joshua turns around and walks back toward the kitchen. Meanwhile we see Sarah and Peter still standing in the Foyer. Sarah Collins: You Lied! Peter Avery: I didn’t want us to get in trouble; Besides I didn’t hear you complain while I was doing it. Sarah Collins: You did so’ I’d let you come with me tonight! Peter Avery: Yes! Yes! I did! So’ will you let me come with you tonight? Sarah Collins: Only if you promise that you won’t tell anyone where were going or where we’ve been after! Peter Avery: I’ll Promise! Sarah Collins: Alright! Listen after everyone is asleep meet me in my bedroom! Peter Avery: Alright! Meanwhile we see in the town of Bangor we see a wagon by pulled by a Horse In the Back of that Wagon is None other then Quentin Collins; Quentin can do nothing but sit there as he watches the sun begin to set. Quentin Thinks to himself. Quentin Collins: She really did Curse Us; Angelique I’m sorry about Josette and you knew how much Barnabas Loved her; He was so distant after she died! And Now; My God Barnabas he was laying there in a pool of his own blood it must be part of his curse. Just then the wagon stops in front of what looks like a Large House; on the windows of the House are Iron Bars go up and across each window of the three storied ‘house. Just then the Man sitting next to Quentin grabs him and pulls off the wagon they now stand in front of a solid steal door the man next to Quentin Pounds on the door three time. Bang’ Bang’ Bang! Just then the door clicks four times and swings open; Quentin Notices there’s no outer knob on the door meaning the door has to be open from the inside when the door open the two men who brought Quentin Take him inside; They now stand inside the Odd looking House the steal door begins to shut he goes shut and but the person who closed it but doesn’t lock it . The person comes around from closing the door and no stands in front of Quentin. Quentin sees a very tall thin man standing in front of him with Blonde shoulder length Hair’ The man is wearing a white coat over a solid white T-shirt with white pants and brown shoes. Dr. Adam Allard: Good Evening I’m Dr. Adam Allard! Alright you two men can go! The two officers open the Large steal and then two other men who are also wearing white come close and then lock the door. Dr. Adam Allard: Name! Quentin stand there staring at the very tall man. Dr. Allard smiles at Quentin. Dr. Adam Allard: Name! What’s your Name? Quentin Collins: What do you car? Dr. Allard shakes His head. Dr Adam Allard: I guess I really don’t considering I’m suppose to lock you in a room and throw away the key per your fathers instructions; but I’d still like a name to the man I’m suppose to do that too. Quentin Collins: You Work for him’ don’t you? Dr. Adam Allard: Who Your father? No I work for someone else someone a lot more Dangerous then your father; you see me and the staff here work For a man called Zachary’ Judah Zachery! So’ Please Name! Quentin Collins: If you spoke to my father you already know my name Doctor! Dr. Adam Allard: No! He actually’ just said he’s son he didn’t say a name! Quentin Looks at the Doctor. Quentin Collins: Quentin Collins! Dr. Adam Allard: Welcome to WindCliff Quentin Third floor first room on the right! The two other men Grab Quentin and begins taking him Up stairs while Dr. Allard follow closely behind them. They get to the Third Floor and come to the first room on the right the two men push Quentin into the room; And the close the door. Dr. Adam Allard speaks through the bared window. Dr. Adam Allard: Oh’ by the way your father said something about you being a werewolf; There’s a full moon tonight thought you should know! Quentin runs at the door and kicks it. Dr. Allard smirks at Quentin and walks away! Meanwhile at Collinwood now at the Old House it is now night the six remaining servants that now remain with Jerimiah are all a sleep We has a Cup in his Hand inside the cup Whiskey; Jerimiah lifts the Cup and put it to his Lips he drinks the whiskey; after finishing his Drink he sets the cup down and then stands Up and looks down and the stand he set the cup on Next to the Cup a Flintlock Pistol Jerimiah picks it up and stare at it. Jerimiah. Collins: What’s one more Life! Meanwhile at the western end of Eagle Hill Cemetery inside the old Curtis Mausoleum we see the Coffin of Barnabas Collins Inside the coffin his Body we see his face with his dark eyes Shut Just then his eyes Shot open his Dark eyes his grey skin Barnabas Presses up on the coffin Lid not really knowing what as Happen to him the coffin lid begins to Open Barnabas sits up and leans over failing out of the coffin and onto the hard stone floor. Just then Barnabas hears a squeezing sound; He looks to see a large Rat just inches from him her grabs the rat and brings it to his mouth he opens his mouth and we see his teeth replaced by razor sharp fangs he bits into the rats body his teeth pierce the rats skin and Barnabas begins to suck the rats blood into his mouth as we watch the rats skin begins to skin inward its bones push outward as Barnabas’s skin goes from grey to a light skin tone color his dark purple eyelids turn a skin tone white as if he could almost pass for a human being Barnabas Pulls the rat from his mouth Blood covers the inside of Barnabas Mouth as he goes done his throat the one plump rat now nothing but skin that hangs off his own dried up bones and Grey looking veins. Barnabas throws the Rat away from him Barnabas Looks at his hands as they begin to shake. Barnabas lets out a Roar like scream Ha!! He stops and Looks around even though he is surrounded in complete Darkness; he can see through the Darkness as if is eyes were like the sun. Barnabas Collins: What? What have I become? So’ its real then the curse that witch! put on us is real; That rats blood helped me’ yet I have a craving for more of it; I’ I am a Vampire! But there a ‘myths not real; but ‘yet here I am not quite alive and yet not quite dead I am one of the undead now! My God I’ cannot let people see me like the Barnabas stands up he looks in his coffin he reaches inside it and grabs his wolfs head cane! Just then Barnabas’s Body begins to fade’ it Fade’s into the darkness like a Dark shadow he blend in with the very Darkness that he is now forever confined too. Barnabas is now outside the Mausoleum he is standing near a large oak tree. Meanwhile back at ‘The new Mansion we see Sarah in her room she is in a long dress White dress with a white over coat on Just then her door comes open and in walks Peter Avery; He closes the door and whispers. Peter Avery: I’m ready! Just then Sarah reaches for the middle candle stick on the wall of her room she pulls it and the wall begins to crack open almost like a door. Peter Avery: A secret Passageway! How did you know it was There? Sarah Collins: My brother told me what room was to be mine before he went to London and he told me everything about this room. Peter Avery: That is so awesome! I would love to meet your brother someday! Sarah Collins: Come on it only stays open for so long. So. Sarah Collins and Peter Avery go into the secret Passage ‘way The Candle snaps up and the door closes. Sarah and Peter begin to walk through the Passage. Sarah Collins: Hold my Hand! Peters face turns bright red. Peter Avery: What? Why? Sarah Collins: Begins there’s stairs here; No sooner does Peter lock hands with Sarah they descend down a set of stair then seem to go on and on; we now see an old oak tree just then the root of the tree comes up off the ground and out from that ground come Sarah and Peter now standing above ground Sarah shuts the secret Passage. Peter looks around all he sees are oak trees. Peter Avery: There so many Oak trees how will we know which one is the way back? Sarah Picks up a stick and marks an X in the dirt by the tree. Sarah Collins: That’s how! Sarah Collins: You can let go of my hand now? Peter Avery: Well! If its ok with you I’d rather not this way I know we won’t get separated! Sarah Collins: Ok! Sarah can see Peter’s face is still red he is blushing. Sarah giggles. Peter Avery: What? Sarah Collins: Oh’ nothing! Come on let’s go then! Sarah and Avery walk they walk is light by the brightness of the full moon that hangs high above. We now see Jerimiah coming out of the old house with Pistol in hand he be begins walking cross the Collins estate. We now see Sarah and Peter just now coming into Eagle Hill Cemetery. There are standing by the grave of Josette Collins. Sarah Collins: I miss you Josette I miss you and Barnabas Collins Tears begin to come from Sarah’s eyes Peter sees this and reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a Handkerchief and hands it to Sarah. Sarah sees Peter’s mint green Handkerchief and takes it. Sarah tabs her eyes. Sarah Collins: Thank you Peter. Peter Avery: Your welcome! Sarah then looks At the Handkerchief and sees the letter P&A on it for Peter Avery. Sarah Collins: Oh’ Peter I didn’t know this had your name on it; your father will he get upset? Peter Avery: Don’t worry I’ll just make sure he doesn’t see it and give to a servant to wash it; and even if he does find I’d say I dropped in a puddle of water; I’d get you in trouble Sarah. Peter realizing what he just said he hangs head as his face got bright red. Sarah smiles and leans over and kisses him on the cheek. Peter looks at her and the two hold hands tightly this time as they go deeper into the Cemetery Meanwhile in Banger at Windcliff Mental Hospital The door to Quentin’s room is completely torn off down the; Now going down long hallway we see big claw marks with in the claw marks blood we see the Two on the ground two men dressed in all white; their bodies lying on the floor there heads torn from there body down the hallway more blood almost like a Trail now we hear Dr. Allard screaming. Dr. Adam Allard: Oh’ my God! No’ No!! in the shadow of the moonlight that shines through Dr. Allard’s window we see the white walls Splattered in blood we now see the roof of the Hospital something comes up through the roof and stand on the roof top with its two large covered in thick black fur its body covered in the same thick black fur its two large arms covered in fur its paws have razor sharp claws we see its mouth and the razor sharp teeth its dark eyes look up at the moon and it lets out a violent Howl! Meanwhile at Collinwood we see Jerimiah walking through the woods just then he hears it the Violent Howl of the Wolf as if it were meant for him to hear. Jerimiah stops and looks. Jerimiah Collins: It sounds so Close but ‘yet so far away! We then see the Wolf leap off the roof and land on the dirt road and begin to run. Meanwhile we see Sarah and Peter still in the cemetery standing in front of where she ‘knows her brother’s body is buried. Peter who does not know Barnabas is dead speaks. Peter Avery: So’ what’s so special about this Place? Sarah Collins: Oh’ Nothing I just like coming here is all. Peter Avery: Oh’ Um’ Hey! Did you hear that Howl? Sarah Collins: Yes! Yes! I did. Just then We see Jerimiah who sees both the children. Jerimiah Collins: I don’t know what you two are doing out ‘here but you made my job so much ‘more ‘simple by being out here Sarah. Jerimiah walks up Behind them; they don’t hear him but what Jerimiah doesn’t know is he is being watched by Barnabas. As Jerimiah aims his Pistol at the Back of Sarah’s head Barnabas appears in front of Him as the Hung goes off; The bullet doesn’t phase Barnabas Jerimiah who is in shock by it all drops the Pistol and runs; Barnabas screams at him. Barnabas Collins: Run! Run you coward! Sarah turns Barnabas Turns she can’t believe her eyes. Sarah Collins: You came back! But how? Barnabas Collins: That doesn’t matter now you better get home young lady and you two young Peter! As Barnabas disappears in front of them the two children begin their trip home; we then see Jerimiah we now see Jerimiah running’ Running toward town ‘But as he ‘runs he is greeted by the Wolf. It stands there directly in his path towering over him. Jerimiah falls to the ground; Jerimiah Collins: Quentin! Its me your father. The wolf pick him up lifting Jerimiah over its head and then proceeds to pull his bones begin to break his body begins to tear apart blood begins to pour out; Jerimiah’s body has been torn in half Barnabas Appears in front of the wolf. Barnabas Collins: Can you hear me. The wolf looks at Barnabas as if he does indeed understand him. Barnabas Collins: Good! There are more who need Punished! Now in Collinsport We see the inside of the Jail cell the next then we know the caves in and coming through that wall is the werewolf Quentin claws at the police officers tearing them limb from limb; in the Jail cell Lance Devlin sees the beast he backs in a corner the were wolf grabs the bars and pulls ripping them clean off it then moves away; Lance then slowly moves forward toward the werewolf his eyes wide with fear he then runs out of the jail and onto the street. Just then he hears a voice. Barnabas Collins: Going somewhere. Lance looks to see his nephew Barnabas. Lance Devlin: Barnabas! Barnabas Collins: Yes! Lance its me Barnabas the man who as come to take your life for murdering my wife! Barnabas grabs Lance by the throat and lifts him up into the air; soon Lance dies! Barnabas Collins: I must return to my coffin soon the sun will rise go now! April 4th 1795: It is Now Morning in the town of Collinsport and the people who live there are in a frenzy The Jail has been completely torn Apart and most of the Villagers are out on the street demanding answers; There’s no Law to give them any and Jerimiah is also dead. Just then we see Ben stokes and Dr. Joshua Collins are approaching on Horseback. Ben shouts at the angry mob/. Ben Stock: That’s enough! I said that’s Enough Ben’s voice carries over the crowd they go silent and face Ben. Ben Stokes: Tell me what happen. Just then a local business ‘man William Swift who owns the Gun store. William Swift: Ben something attacked the Jail last night; Killed the Constable and his deputies ? Joshua gets off his Horse. Dr, Joshua Collins: Show me the men’s bodies. So’ William Swift and Dr. Joshua Collins make there way through the angry mob. William Swift: Make way! Dr. Joshua Collins: Excuse me. Finally they get through the crowd Joshua walks toward the Body of Constable Trask He looks at the mans feet then legs then body up his arms he gets to the man’s head his throat as what looks like a claw marks going right through it. Joshua lifts ‘up the body of Constable Greggory Trask and as he does; Greggory’s head rolls off and hits the ground and rolls toward the feet of the angry mob; the mob Back away from the Jail. After while we see All three men lined up on the ground. William Swift: Dr. Collins What are you looking for? Dr. Joshua Collins: These marks seem like they were made by an animal but there all on the neck it seems to have been done on Purpose. William Swift: Due Animals usually target the neck? Joshua thinks about the bat that bit his son Barnabas it too attacked his ‘neck but these marks here were not made by a bat; They were made by something else some sort of Dog maybe? William Swift: Sir is there anything you want me to do. Joshua looks over the angry mob he knows what has ‘too be done. Dr. Joshua Collins: Burn the bodies! Joshua walks past the angry Mob who are carrying torches. We see Joshua get to Ben’s Horse and speak to him. Ben Stokes: What do we do Joshua? Dr. Joshua Collins: Ben I want you to ride to Bangor and fetch the Constable there; do you know of him? Ben Stokes: I’ I do Constable Wayne Givens. Dr. Joshua Collins: Go now! Ben nods and takes the reigns and smacks his horse signaling his horse to move; As Ben’s Horse begins to move; we see William Swift talk to Joshua. William Swift: I’m glad you stayed; Dr. Collins The Villagers respect you enough to at least listen to you. Dr. Joshua Collins: My brother is a man they would’ve listened too why didn’t you fetch him? William Swift: That’s just it I tried to fetch him! but he wasn’t in his office or the Eagle sir! Dr. Joshua Collins: Jerimiah hasn’t come in too town yet! William Swift: No! Dr. Joshua Collins: This is all so’ strange Meanwhile Up at Collinwood at the Old House we see the Servants taking order from a woman with brown hair with green colored eyes. Women with Brown hair and green eyes: Have any of you seen Master Jerimiah? The other Servant look at the woman and shake their heads no. Women with Brown Hair and Green eyes: Have you checked his room? The other servants shake their heads. Then the women with Brown Hair and green eyes turns and walks out of the kitchen she walks into the foyer and looks in the drawing room of the Old House but no Jerimiah; she then goes up stairs she gets to the second floor of the old house the walks too the last door on the right which is Jerimiah’s room she knocks on the door but there is no answer; the women knocks on the door again this time she speaks. Eve Haynes: Jerimiah’ Jerimiah its me Eve are you in there? Eve hears no reply she then pulls out a lockpick from her sleeve and puts it in the lock but as she does; she touches the knob and it turns the door comes open. Eve Haynes: Its unlocked! But he never leaves his door unlocked! Eve Then pushes the door open she walks in the room and closes the door. She looks at Jerimiah’s bed and covers her mouth and there she sees him; well! What’s left of him torn completely in Half. She then knows what she has to do; for not knowing if her ‘Masters secret Leviathan membership! as been discovered or not she leaves the room and heads back downstairs once downstairs she heads back into the Kitchen. Eve Haynes: Everyone out! Get out of this House now!! The servants then do leave the old house. Meanwhile we see the sun shinning along the sandy beach that runs along the shores of the Collins estate the sun shines down it not only shines on the sandy beach it shines upon a man who is laying naked on the beach that man being none other ‘then Quentin Collins. Quentin Opens his eyes and sits up he looks around to see where he is; it doesn’t take long to realize he sitting on the beach that is near Widows hill ; Quentin gets up off his ass and is now standing he begins making walking along the beach; until he comes to the Pathway that leads up to the Collins estate; He then begins making his way up the pathway. Meanwhile at the New Collinwood Mansion we see Dr. Franchise Avery’ His Wife Miranda their son Peter and Sarah Collins sitting together at the Kitchen table finishing breakfast. Peter Avery: So’ Sarah what do you want to do today! Sarah smiles at Peter. Sarah: Well! After are schooling we should go play in the Garden there are some amazing hiding spots there I want to show you. Peter smiles back at Sarah; the two children have not said one word about the last night about How they saw Barnabas or how Jerimiah tried to kill Sarah. Sarah is sitting to where she can see out of the window which looks directly at the woods Just then Sarah sees smoke coming up over the trees. Sarah Collins: Smoke! There’s smoke! Franchise’ Miranda and Peter all turn to see the smoke; They all get up from their chairs and walks out of the kitchen they all now come through the Foyer and get to the double door Franchise opens the doors they all go outside. Sarah sees the smoke now go higher and Higher. Sarah Collins: That’s where the old house is! Just then They see servants coming through the woods and toward the new Mansion. Franchise Avery: You there what’s going on? A mal servant with blonde hair and brown eyes speaks. Servant with blonde hair and brown eyes: It was Eve sir she’ she set the house a blaze! It going up sir there’s no stopping it. Dr. Franchise Avery: Was there anyone inside? Servant with Blonde hair and brown eyes: I believe Jerimiah sir! Dr. Franchise Avery: Then Eve committed Murder! One the other side of the estate the Old House does indeed burn the flames have engulfed the mansion thanks to Eve using Oil lamps to set the fire. Meanwhile in the town of Bangor we see Ben has just now arrived in the town of Bangor he rides his Horse up to the Constable’s office. Ben reaches Constable Givens office and dismounts his horse. Ben ties his horse to the hitching post and goes inside. Ben Stokes: I need to speak to Constable Givens! Deputy Jackson Tully: He’s not here right now Ben he rode to Windcliff. Ben Stokes: Then I’d like to file a report then about the attacks in Collinsport! Constable Jackson Tully: I’m a little confused why not file it with Constable Trask. Ben Stokes: Because! Constable Trask is dead and so are his Men! Jackson’s eye go wide he open his top desk drawer and pulls out some paper and a Feathered Pen. Ben then tell him what’s going on in Collinsport that the Jail was attacked! and the building was completely knocked down and how the necks of the other Constables where clawed and the towns people are ‘restless. Just as Ben finishes that sentence Constable Wayne Givens walks through the door. Wayne sees Ben standing there and closes the door. Wayne Givens: Why! If it isn’t Ben Stokes: what do I owe this honor? But before Ben can explain Constable Tully hands him the paper. Constable Givens is the type of man who is no nonsense and upholds the Law; The Constable looks at Ben. Constable Wayne Givens: Alright! Jackson you’re in charge of Bangor Ben you and I are going Back to Collinsport. It is Now Late afternoon and Constable Givens and Ben Stokes are just now coming into Collinsport. Constable Givens dismount his Horse and breaks up the angry mob telling them if they don’t go home; he’ll charge every one of them. The angry mob separate and go home. Then the Constable sees Joshua Collins. Constable Wayne Givens: Dr. Collins I’d like a word with you. Joshua walks over to the Constable. Dr. Joshua Collins: Yes! Constable Givens. Constable Wayne Givens: Joshua I’ve known you for a long time you and I served in the war together Hell! You once saved my Leg from Gang green; so i expect honesty from a man I respect. Dr. Joshua Collins: And I assure you’ I will give you Honesty. Constable Wayne Givens: Joshua did you know Something yesterday Quentin was committed to Windcliff by your brother? Joshua’s eyes go wide. Constable Wayne Givens: Stop right there! The look of shock on your face tells me you didn’t; Well! He was and something during last night he escaped He wanted in questioning for the murder of 12 People that includes 8 staff members and 4 patients. Dr. Joshua Collins: Its strange! Jerimiah never came in to work today and I can’t seem to find him; Look Wayne My Nephew my be a little wild but I know him he’s no Killer. Constable Wayne Givens: I do think there’s something strange going on her Joshua; But I know I owe you. I’ll give 24 hours to deal with whatever your family troubles are after that I’m stepping. Dr. Joshua Collins: Thank you! Whatever is going on I’ll assure you I’ll deal with it! Joshua Mounts his Horse and heads back up to Collinwood. Now Up at Collinwood We see Quentin sitting down on Widows Hill thinking about the night before he sees flashes of what he did Killing the Staff members and some Patients at Windcliff tearing his father’s body completely in Half; Killing Constable Trask and his deputies. Quentin Collins: My God! What have we become? Barnabas! I need to talk too you so’ Bad this is Madness pure Madness. What Quentin doesn’t know is Doctor Avery is standing right behind him. Dr. Franchise Avery: Quentin! Quentin stand up and turns around still naked. Franchise holds his hands Up. Dr. Franchise Avery: Its ok! I’m here to help you. Quentin Collins: Oh’ God Dr. Avery I murdered people last night I was this beast this wolf a’ a werewolf! Dr. Franchise Avery: You know ‘me and Joshua used to debate of a creature like that could actually! Be real! Quentin Collins: That’s not all Barnabas! He’s a He’s a Vampire! Just then we hear a Horse Quentin and Franchise look over to see Joshua on his Horse looking at Quentin with a Look of Shock. Joshua dismounts his Horse and walks over to Quentin Joshua removes his overcoat and wraps it around Quentin. Quentin Collins: Uncle Joshua I’m a Monster! Quentin set his face on Joshua’s shoulder and cries. Dr. Joshua Collins: Its alright son! Joshua and Franchise spend the next several Hours looking through every book about Vampires and Werewolves. Dr. Franchise Avery: This is Madness we’ve went through almost all these books at the only solution we’ve found is includes killing them. Dr. Joshua Collins: No! Look here there is another way! Dr. Avery looks at the book Joshua is reading. Dr. Joshua Collins: Franchise before we do this I must speak with my Son. It is Now Dark! and we are now inside the Curtis Mausoleum We see the lid of Barnabas’s coffin open he sits up and sees His Father standing there in the corner of the Mausoleum. Barnabas gets out of the coffin and now stands on the stone floor. Barnabas Collins: Good evening father! Dr. Joshua Collins: Why? Why didn’t you come to me? Barnabas Collins: And what would you have said too me if I had? Dr. Joshua Collins: That I’m father and I love and going on a killing spree isn’t going to fix anything and killing Lance isn’t going to bring Josette back. Barnabas Collins: Father Jerimiah was a snake he was apart of some group called Leviathan I found this out when I tasted his blood from off the dirt road! Don’t you see I have all this Power now! And I can use it! Joshua raises his Voice. Dr. Joshua Collins: Use it! Use it for what? To murder people to live off the blood of others and making those who you want to suffer’ suffer! Barnabas its wrong! Having power doesn’t mean abusing it! Barnabas Collins: I would only hurt the corrupt and guilty! Dr. Joshua Collins: So’ now your everyone’s Judge and Executioner; No if you do that your no better then Jerimiah if you do that you won’t be the boy I raised into a man you’ll be the monster everyone fears and wants to destroy! Son I can’t let happen this way! Joshua show Barnabas a Crucifix Barnabas shows his fangs and back away Joshua forcing Barnabas back into his coffin Joshua sets the Crucifix on Barnabas chest; To Barnabas its like a heavy dumbbell he cannot lift Joshua closes the lid to Barnabas’s coffin and Wraps chain around the coffin and then padlocks on the chains Quentin is giving a sedative and dressed in clothes he then is put in an unmarked grave and encased in cement with Silver horse shoes placed over the Cement! The End!

Predator or Prey chapter 2; Have we Met?

• Predator or Prey Chapter 2’ have we Met? With all four men now inside Captain Hatcher Stevenson: Did you say a woman named Margret? Wendy ...